Rain Module + Plugin

Hi I am running into an error where my chat bubble ends up going above the rain…? Unsure if anyone knows why this would occur

I know this is an old post (5 years old) but I have a problem.

I only get this error when I change cameras. I tried printing Emitter but its just an empty table for some reason when this happens.

This module does not anticipate changing cameras. Feel free to make a code contribution to support this / work around this bug by storing things in a different location in the data model. I’d be happy to accept it so it can be used by others if it’s a clean solution.

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bruh what am I doing wrong

local rain = script.Parent.RainScript.Rain


I can’t disable it

bruhhhh did you read the output?

You have to require the module before calling the API, try #help-and-feedback:scripting-support for basic support questions, this is not specific to the library


I required the module and put disabling it into a loop and the rain still persists, I don’t see why this isn’t working

while true do
rain = require(script.Parent.RainScript.Rain)

No output errors

try #help-and-feedback:scripting-support for basic support questions, this is not specific to the library

Its relevant to the thread I shouldn’t make a post about something this small

Very amazing plugin, very helpful for my projects. I did have a question (I apologize if it was asked before), how would I make the rain serversided? I have seen it used in games but I’m a bit confused. I tried to make it so that when the remote event is fired it would connect locally, and then it would fire to the server but the logic didn’t make sense. I tried to find any solutions in this topic. Let me know.

I think you aren’t trying to ask “how do I make the rain server-sided?” but “how do I make sure whether it rains or not is consistent between all clients?”. Running the rain server-sided makes no sense because this is a visual effect that should run on the client.

You can achieve this by sending messages to each client to turn on/off the rain via RemoteEvents.

I recommend posting in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support to get support for dealing with remote event handling like this since that is not within scope of the library.

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Can you give me a better example of how to enable the rain in a script?

There’s plenty of documentation here. If that’s not sufficient for you, ask in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support. Replicating on/off messages to client is not in scope of the module as mentioned several times before. (please respect my time and read previous posts before replying)

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Rain particles go through non-transparent parts when a character is standing out in the open.

Can you provide a self-contained repro file that demonstrates the problem? Have you read through prior responses in the thread / tuned the module to better suit your use case?

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rain issue.rbxl (70.0 KB)

As for fine tuning the settings, I’m not exactly too sure as to what to change.

Rain also tends to clip through the ceiling when your camera is right below the “roof”

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Could you explain how this works?

@buildthomas Any fixes in the works for this? My game is also being affected and has been for a while.

I don’t think this is a new issue. If you want you can investigate and submit a fix you think makes sense to the GitHub repository so I can merge and others can benefit. I don’t have time to look into this myself at the moment.


This is awesome!! but may i know where to put the module?

That doesn’t matter as long as the client has access to it. The module in itself doesn’t do anything and has to be invoked on the client.

If you are a non-technical user, use the plugin instead of the module itself, or use #help-and-feedback:scripting-support for help. What you’re asking about is out of scope for this thread.

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