Rainbow Nametag Gamepass Bugs

I am in a bit of a pickle with making my Rainbow Nametag Gamepass work properly.

I have gotten it to work although I can’t imagine the code is super good, since I cannot code to save my life I’ve done the next best thing and I’ve recruited ChatGPT and YouTube tutorials to write it for me.

Anyway, now to the reason I’m asking all of you talented developers for help:
When a player who has the gamepass plays my game alone, it works fine.

But whenever there are multiple players the player with the gamepass loses the rainbow effect and it turns into the standard white name tag thats meant for the players who dont own the gamepass.

From what ChatGPT told me, this is due to the script not checking for the gamepass to see if its owned or not whenever a player joins/dies.

Well, turns out ChatGPT couldnt fix the issue after countless prompts.

So now when AI can’t solve the problem, I’m hoping one of you can.

The Nametag system uses 2 scripts, one to create the name tag and one to add the rainbow effect to the textlabels inside the billboardgui.

Heres the nametag script:

local groupid = 9264123

function OnPlayerRespawned(player)
	if player then
		local tag = script.Parent.PlayerNametag:Clone()
		tag.Main.PlayerName.Text = player.Name
		tag.Main.GroupRank.Text = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupid)

		-- Create a fixed-size BillboardGui
		local billboardGui = tag:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui")
		if billboardGui then
			-- Set the BillboardGui size to a fixed size
			billboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50)  -- Fixed size (adjust as needed)
			billboardGui.MaxDistance = 30  -- Max distance before the GUI disappears
			billboardGui.Adornee = player.Character.Head  -- Attach to the character's head
			billboardGui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 2, 0)  -- Adjust offset if needed
			-- Turn off scaling and ensure it doesn't scale with distance
			billboardGui.AlwaysOnTop = true  -- Keep the UI above other objects in the game

			-- Adjust the text size to be fixed regardless of camera zoom
			local playerNameText = tag.Main.PlayerName
			local groupRankText = tag.Main.GroupRank

			-- Set the text size to be a fixed value
			playerNameText.TextSize = 18  -- Adjust text size as needed (smaller size)
			groupRankText.TextSize = 16  -- Adjust text size for GroupRank as needed

		tag.Parent = player.Character.Head  -- Parent the tag to the player's head

function OnPlayerEntered(player)
		if (property == "Character") then


Heres the rainbow nametag script:

local RS = game:GetService("RunService")

local rainbow = script.Parent 
local grad = rainbow.UIGradient

local counter = 0       
local w = math.pi / 6 
local CS = {}         
local num = 15 			
local frames = 0	

local count = 0
local cskCache = {}
local gamepassid = 1019274864
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

	if MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, gamepassid) then
		print("Rainbow nametag")

while true do
	for i = 0, num do
		local c = Color3.fromRGB(127 * math.sin(w*i + counter) + 128, 127 * math.sin(w*i + 2 * math.pi/3 + counter) + 128, 127*math.sin(w*i + 4*math.pi/3 + counter) + 128)
		table.insert(CS, i+1, ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(i/num, c))
	local newCS = ColorSequence.new(CS)

	if #cskCache > 0 then
		if newCS == cskCache[1] then
			CS = {}
	table.insert(cskCache, newCS)

	CS = {}

	counter = counter + math.pi/40
	if (counter >= math.pi * 2) then counter = 0 end	

local finalCacheCt = #cskCache
local rotation = 1

	if math.fmod(frames, 2) == 0 then
		grad.Color = cskCache[rotation]			
		if rotation >= #cskCache then rotation = 0 end
		rotation = rotation + 1				
	if frames >= 1000 then frames = 0 end
	frames = frames + 1

I know the code is most likely a mess, but I’m not a scripter so it’s difficult for me to do a better job myself, so I had no choice in the matter.

Please help me fix this issue, I really have no clue what’s wrong.


I have a suggestion.
Instead of managing it through a server script,
You could put a Localscript in starter character scripts to check if the game pass is owned, and call a remote-event that sends the relevant information to a server script that accesses the specific player’s PlayerNametag and edits properties of it.

I’m not too experienced myself, but I think it’d work.

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This should be done on the server. Server checks are far more reliable than on the client.

For OP’s query, you could add a Script in ServerScriptService and add your rainbow nametag as its child. Remove the script that creates the rainbow effect.

Then, as for the script:

local groupId = 9264123
local gamepassId = 1019274864
local tag = script.PlayerNametag

local rainbowTags = {}

        local newTag = tag:Clone()
        newTag.Parent = character:WaitForChild("Head")
        if game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, gamepassId) then
                local counter = 0
                local w = math.pi / 6
                local CS = {}
                local num = 15
                local frames = 0

                local count = 0
                rainbowTags[player].cskCache = {}
                while true do
	                for i = 0, num do
		                local c = Color3.fromRGB(127 * math.sin(w*i + counter) + 128, 127 * math.sin(w*i + 2 * math.pi/3 + counter) + 128, 127*math.sin(w*i + 4*math.pi/3 + counter) + 128)
		                table.insert(CS, i+1, ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(i/num, c))
	                local newCS = ColorSequence.new(CS)

	                if #rainbowTags[player].cskCache > 0 then
		                if newCS == rainbowTags[player].cskCache[1] then
			                CS = {}
	                table.insert(rainbowTags[player].cskCache, newCS)

	                CS = {}

	                counter += math.pi / 40
	                if counter >= math.pi * 2 then counter = 0 end	

                local finalCacheCt = #rainbowTags[player].cskCache
                local rotation = 1

	                if math.fmod(frames, 2) == 0 then
		                grad.Color = rainbowTags[player].cskCache[rotation]			
		                if rotation >= #rainbowTags[player].cskCache then rotation = 0 end
		                rotation += 1			
	                if frames >= 1000 then frames = 0 end
	                frames += 1

Hope this helps!

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This is really good, right now I think you have a script that changes the UIGradient, but sometimes it won’t load properly or stuff like that.

@remcodesremcodes’s approach is the best

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