Rainbow Shaggy Positioning issue

Rainbow Shaggy is skewed to the left, which covers the wearer’s eyes. This is a stark contrast to every other Shaggy series hair. It would be great to correct the positioning in order to be in line with the rest of the Shaggy series.

Simply rotating and raising the Rainbow Shaggy will get rid of this inconsistency.

Expected behavior

The Rainbow Shaggy’s positioning should match every other hair in the Shaggy series.


I’ve been wanting this fixed for SO LONG now. Thank you Bloxec for posting this!


They should also fix Robux Shaggy - Roblox while they are at it


As a Rainbow Shaggy owner, this positioning inconsistency really annoys me. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


They should remove the glitched parts. That would make it an item to remember for the generations to come!


I’ve owned it in the past, gave millions of robux for a glitched hat! So disappointing, I sure hope this issue can be fixed and that way I might strive to get another!


I agree, people who don’t own Rainbow Shaggy won’t notice the magnitude of the issue at hand, but for us owners, it has been more than 10 years of our item having broken positioning… I hope this report brings awareness to our issues with the item. :fist::rainbow:

This would destroy the Rainbow Shaggy’s positioning.

It was meant to be unique on purpose to match with the “Sparkle time fedora” series (you will notice its the only one of the shaggy that fits), since both were high in value, and low in stock…


As A Rainbow Shaggy Owner, This Little Inconsistency Is Truly Catastrophic And Has Bugged Me For Many Many Years. I Truly Hope ROBLOX Fixes This. :fist::rainbow:

If anything, they should just make Pastel Rainbow Shaggy have the exact same positioning as Rainbow Shaggy since it’s so closely related to RS. The current positioning is completely fine and helps it stand out from the rest of the series, as it should, since it’s so much more rare and exclusive than the others.

^ This is also a really good point as well, none of the other shaggy hairs fit quite well with the Sparkle Time Fedora series. If people really doesn’t like how it’s positioned, all Roblox has to do is add support to adjust hair accessories in the avatar editor and the “problem” is solved.

Long story short; don’t update this item, it’s fine as it is.

That’s actually a good point and probably not a bug then.


+1 This. Please do not change this, it is the only thing thats set rainbow shaggy appart since it iconically fits with Sparkle Times


As Rainbow Shaggy owners have pointed out in this thread, the Rainbow Shaggy is positioned to fit under popular high-value items released over the years, such as the Sparkle Time Fedora series. With some owners using these combos in their signature outfits for years now, it’s a little too late to update this one for the sake of consistency.


The positioning of Rainbow Shaggy is intentional. If it weren’t, it would have been changed 13 years ago. The unique positioning it has compared to other Shaggy accessories is not meant to be an “inconsistency” and is what sets it apart from the others. As others have already pointed out, this would ruin the accessory as the thing that makes it unique is its positioning.

A similar thing already happened to Workclock Headphones, where a bug report was posted only two days ago requesting for the accessory to be modified. As one could imagine, the public reception to this change was overwhelmingly negative and was swiftly reverted after enough feedback. If the positioning of Rainbow Shaggy were to be changed, a similar negative response will happen. Hooksmith already explained it perfectly on the aforementioned Workclock Headphones bug report as to why making changes to rare and coveted items like Rainbow Shaggy is a bad idea:

Hooksmith not only mentions this, but also that the Roblox Staff team is looking into a better way at handling controversial requests at changing the way items look like just like what recently happened to Workclock Headphones. This is what was said:

So, in summary, this request to change Rainbow Shaggy is yet another controversial request, and if changed, will be handled in similar fashion to Workclock Headphones to prevent a similar scenario from happening.


It was intentionally positioned like that. It fits perfectly under the sparkle time fedora hats and other rare hat series. Do not change this. It stands out uniquely compared to the other shaggy’s for this very reason.