Rainbow UIGradient doesn't work on Custom Font

Hey, there

I have managed to use my own custom font by following this tutorial: Rbx_CustomFont Font creation tutorial - YouTube
But I want to make my TextLabel more fancy, by adding a Flowing Rainbow UIGradient on my custom TextLabel.

The effect I want to achieve on my text: RainbowGradient_GIF
The directory:
But it just doesn’t seem to work, my TextLabel isn’t affected by the UIGradient.

-- My LocalScript inside the TextLabel
local button = script.Parent
local gradient = button.UIGradient
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local ti = TweenInfo.new(1, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local offset = {Offset = Vector2.new(1, 0)}
local create = ts:Create(gradient, ti, offset)
local startingPos = Vector2.new(-1, 0)
local list = {} 
local s, kpt = ColorSequence.new, ColorSequenceKeypoint.new
local counter = 0
local status = "down" 
gradient.Offset = startingPos
local function rainbowColors()
	local sat, val = 255, 255 
	for i = 1, 15 do 
		local hue = i * 17 
		table.insert(list, Color3.fromHSV(hue / 255, sat / 255, val / 255))
gradient.Color = s({
	kpt(0, list[#list]),
	kpt(0.5, list[#list - 1]),
	kpt(1, list[#list - 2])
counter = #list
local function animate()
	gradient.Offset = startingPos 
	gradient.Rotation = 180
	if counter == #list - 1 and status == "down" then
		gradient.Color = s({
			kpt(0, gradient.Color.Keypoints[1].Value),
			kpt(0.5, list[#list]), 
			kpt(1, list[1]) 
		counter = 1
		status = "up" 
	elseif counter == #list and status == "down" then 
		gradient.Color = s({
			kpt(0, gradient.Color.Keypoints[1].Value),
			kpt(0.5, list[1]),
			kpt(1, list[2])
		counter = 2
		status = "up"
	elseif counter <= #list - 2 and status == "down" then 
		gradient.Color = s({
			kpt(0, gradient.Color.Keypoints[1].Value),
			kpt(0.5, list[counter + 1]), 
			kpt(1, list[counter + 2])
		counter = counter + 2
		status = "up"
	gradient.Offset = startingPos
	gradient.Rotation = 0 
	if counter == #list - 1 and status == "up" then
		gradient.Color = s({ 

			kpt(0, list[1]), 
			kpt(0.5, list[#list]), 
			kpt(1, gradient.Color.Keypoints[3].Value)
		counter = 1
		status = "down"
	elseif counter == #list and status == "up" then
		gradient.Color = s({
			kpt(0, list[2]),
			kpt(0.5, list[1]), 
			kpt(1, gradient.Color.Keypoints[3].Value)
		counter = 2
		status = "down"
	elseif counter <= #list - 2 and status == "up" then
		gradient.Color = s({
			kpt(0, list[counter + 2]), 
			kpt(0.5, list[counter + 1]), 
			kpt(1, gradient.Color.Keypoints[3].Value) 	
		counter = counter + 2
		status = "down"

Can someone help me out here?
It has been 12 hours

Rbx_CustomFont was last updated 7 years ago, so I’m not sure if it’d work