Ralfas Parts / All the parts you need!

Ralfa's Parts

This resource is a mega pack of mesh parts that vary

Advanced model link: RalfasAdvancedParts

Basic model link: RalfasParts

What’s good about this resource:

Main points:
/. Contains a duplicate version of each part that has been auto smoothed in blender.

/. Massive variety/scale of parts.

Extra points:
/. All sizes are in whole numbers or rounded to 2 d.p.
(no parts having a size of like “1.2324, 2.5467, 1.2324” when importing from blender.)

/. All parts named “MeshPart”.
(no names like “Meshes/Parts_Torus.241 (2)” seen when importing from blender.)

/. All parts anchored.

/. Labeled areas of different parts.

/. Have i overdone it? Yes. But now you are not restricted to a single unique part that might just be too low poly or too high!

/. Maybe ill add more parts in the future, it really depends how popular it gets and if there’s a lot of requests.

/. Here are some images of what there is:

Sample 1

Non smooth parts:


Smooth parts:


Sample 2

Non smooth parts:

Smooth parts:

Sample 3

Non smooth parts:

Smooth parts:

Sample 4

Unique parts:


Actually model

What it looks like in game:

Basic Version:


Advanced Version:

Also everything in these samples has its ‘half’, ‘quarter’ and ‘full’ versions.

Update 1

/. Organized parts better.
/. Added a basic version.
/. Better thumbnail.


Could you provide some Images, and maybe more details about each shape included?

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jesus christ. I’ve learned this resource from one of my friends and it took me 1-3 minutes to load all this

how much time did you even spent importing all that to roblox?


Sure ill do that in some time, but theres a lot of different shapes so ill take ss of groups that have a common pattern.

Took me way tooo long lol, i did think this could be a problem, should i have made mini packs?


Very likely so. There’s so much stuff to load at once so you might wanna wait a minute to find out a desired part to use.

and i sure hope i and others find a use case of this. this is so many minutes (and probably hours) spent on importing all this.


In the future, when i have time, i think ill make a standard version which would probably have around half as much parts as the current one, and ill rename this one to something else. On top of that i could make the smooth parts and non smooth separate models as well which would yet again half the parts.

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Ive made some screen shots, is this enough detail to what you would expect or should i add more?


It’s very very useful to have each object labeled according to its shape. For example, if you wanted to search for all the specific shapes in a model to say change the color collission fidelity, mass, material or other things. But It’s also a amazing library of primitives you have assembled! I think object libraries are very good too. Something like the Synty Dungeon set of modular assets, I used to create a algorithm that procedurally generated dungeon and houses and just recently this procedurally generated Candyland with a library of meshes i assembled from scraping the toolbox.
Infinite Procedurally Generated Candyland [Open-Sourced Code] - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox


Ill be sure to name all of the shapes when it updates next time, might take some time if i want to name each part with a unique name such as “HalfTorus2” “QuarterTorus8” but i will 100% name them by the shape groups.

I would reccomend a function like

function namedirectory(directory,nameconvention)--namedirectory(workspace.Triangles,"TrianglePart")
for i,v in directory:GetChildren() do 

It’s way better now!

You could also provide some screenshots of the pieces actively in a build, to give examples and inspiration.

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Yeah i do plan to update it but im just too busy right now, i might be able to update it this weekend

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I have final added some improvements and another model that simplifies it for basic usage that wont cause lag while downloading!

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