Random Animation ive made

Its just one idle nothing really special but idk i guess feedback would be nice

Incase the uploaded gif doesnt render on the post heres the link

Here is the first version of the claws moving


First Hand Move


Pretty cool animation
I suggested trying to make a game using this animation (Maybe pvp game?)

This is pretty dang cool. I like how the claws are attached to the back and how they move around. Nice job man.

If i could code it could happen but sadly i do not know how to code

You did a very good job; nothing else to say about it.

The hands making minor rotatory motion made me mistake them as the hands of a puppeteer before realizing they were back appendages.
I like the model since it’s stylized, but I’d suggest correcting the thumbs.
Otherwise, the animation itself is really nice!

Yeah i know these tiny overseen issues they dont really bother me but when i do look longer at it then it does bother me but never rly change sometimes i do depending how annoying it is.

I never had a set style on the animation and im still getting used to Inverse Kinematics because they work very differently than on roblox.

It looks like an rpg boss battle!

awesome work

Woah! The details in the movement of the claws and the person make it look so good :00

Thats the power off Inverse Kinematics

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