Random assets refusing to load in studio only

Not sure what other category to put this in, but out of nowhere about 3 or 4 days ago, any time I load up any game, some or most of the assets like meshes, textures and sounds refuse to load in. This only happens in studio, and it’s not limited to one or a few games. It’s with every game, even those not owned by me. Any assistance with this would be massively appreciated because I have been unable to work on my game due to this.

I should also mention that its random assets every time.
Below are a couple of images showcasing what is happening

Some of the errors that show up. There’s also one relating to mesh Ids saying that it ‘failed to fetch’ or something like that.

Note the chairs, tables and drawers. That doorway is also meant to have doors, but they didn’t load.

Even this character rig made by ROBLOX themselves doesn’t load.

Texture on the vest does not load.


I had the same issue, i fixed it by restarting my router and delleting the http folder

Unfortunately this didn’t fix it. Appreciate it though.

After a couple days, the issue has gone away. It seems like it might’ve either been an issue with my computer or roblox servers. No idea.

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