Hi, I’m Hop_Jr and this is random, but I was inspired to make a shop in a graveyard. It’s not even near Halloween, however, I wanted to make something memorable and sp00ky, so I present my scene:
I know it may be hard to see, so I will provide the game link. Also, please know that I am not finished, as this only took around 3 hours to make, if you have any suggestions/critiques, please comment them down below, and please be honest.
I look forward to the suggestions, thank you for reading!
Thank you. And, I sort of made the side of the shop like that intentionally, but it seems to catch the viewers’ eyes, so I will finish it. As for the invisible walls, I added them for that exact reason, so when I finish with the shop, I will be sure to remove them. I did add sound, but I need to configure that. And thank you, I will consider your suggestions.