Random CoreGui warning always displays in studio output after test playing

When you test play in studio, it prints out a large warning from somewhere within the roblox CoreGui scripts. The warning is as follows:

23:32:15.098 - SliceCenter ((499.000000,112.000000), (501.000000,113.000000)) is outside the bounds of imageOffset ((492.000000,112.000000), (493.000000,113.000000)) for GuiImage[CoreGui.TopBar.TopBarFrame.RightFrame.MoreMenu.MoreMenuContainer.OverlayContextualMenu.PositionFrame.BaseMenu.ClippingFrame.ScrollingFrame.cell 2]
23:32:15.100 - SliceCenter ((507.000000,112.000000), (509.000000,113.000000)) is outside the bounds of imageOffset ((500.000000,112.000000), (501.000000,113.000000)) for GuiImage[CoreGui.TopBar.TopBarFrame.RightFrame.MoreMenu.MoreMenuContainer.OverlayContextualMenu.PositionFrame.BaseMenu.ClippingFrame.ScrollingFrame.cell 2.StateOverlay]

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go to Test and click Play
  2. Look at the output

This reproduces 100% of the time, and multiple other people I know are also experiencing this.

I believe this bug started happening not much longer than a week ago, but I’m not certain.


I can confirm. This always happens whenever I test my game out and check the output. Thanks for addressing this.

I have this issue too.
Definitely annoying when trying to debug.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

They shouldn’t be outputted. I think this should be considered a bug.

How does this make sense? Bugs don’t just “work themselves out”, someone needs to take the initiative to fix them manually.

I’ve done my research before posting this and believe it hasn’t been posted yet. Please link me to a previous topic if you find that this was posted previously.

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Closing as duplicate of New top bar warns about SliceCenter being out of bounds in any place