Random DataStores Requests on Baseplate

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Nothing really, just was working on a script and happened to get this in my output as I was testing.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I was getting this warning in the console and I don’t know what it could have possibly been from, all plugins are trusted, there are no scripts in any part of the game except mine, none if which use the DSS.

And I looked at the developer console to see my DSS usage…

Any ideas of what on earth could be causing this?

Show us your plugins, there is a ton of ones that are trusted but secretly are malicious, i’m not here to accuse alreadypro or anything. But he has some malicious scripts in his models.

Can you link all the plugins you used?

Screenshotted above? All of them came from either Roblox or devforum.

try disabling venom and seeing if it still happens

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Interesting, it stopped when I disabled venom, weird, it is legit though.

Well it was one of the plugins since i disabled them all but ill give it to you.

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OHH I THINK I KNOW WHAT HAPPEND, Venom was probably looking for a script in the baseplate, I guess they tried to save if it were malicious or not.

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I wonder if it tried to do it with my script in ServerScriptService, I dunno.

All we know its resolved, and we shouldnt worry about the past.

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Venom doesn’t write anything to datastores. I’d check again to make sure you have a legitimate version. Keep in mind it could have been made by a group named pa00 impersonating me instead of my actual account.

Ok, reading your post a few comments back, you disabled all the plugins and the problem stopped. The problem is with one of your plugins besides Venom. It should be safe to turn Venom back on.