Hey, I am currently making a global leaderboard and I randomly came across this error at the beginning. Not sure what is going on but I keep getting this error
Workspace.Script:25: Expected ‘end’ (to close ‘do’ at line 13), got ]
not sure why the function isn’t ending since I’ve doubled checked the number of ends I have it matches. Can anyone help and see what is causing this error? Don’t mind the amount of comments I have I am learning how to code and I like to document each step. It only triples the amount of time to write code
-- creates shortcuts and finds the parts
local a1 = script.Parent
local sample = script:WaitForChild("Sample")
local b1 = a1:WaitForChild("ScrollingFrame")
local c1 = b1.WaitForChild("UI")
-- assumes it loads the local data and pulls from leaderboard
local dataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local dataStore = dataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("Leaderboard")
-- refreshes to start the update and creates a loop
while true do
for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do -- this starts the for loop. Its probably repeatidly accessing data from the players
if plr.UserId > 0 then -- makes sure the user is a real player
local w = plr.Leaderboard.Cured.Value -- this pulls the value of cured out of the player
if w then
pcall(function() -- a function that protects the code and doesnt stop it if there is an error with roblox's servers
datastore:UpdateAsync(plr.UserID,function(oldVal) --updates old value with a function by first locating player and their ID
return tonumber(w) -- this is a string that takes the argument and returns it as a number. Will return as nil if the argument isnt a number
end) -- ends pcall function
end) -- ends if w then function
end -- this ends the "if w then" function
end -- ends if plr.userID function
end -- ends first loop not sure why there is an error
You shouldn’t have added any new ends because there’s just enough ends to close everything, the only problem was with that bracket. And the pcall already ends one line before.
I didn’t see one thing because of your bad indentation and misleading comments in the code, there was indeed an end missing and you need that bracket, sorry.
-- creates shortcuts and finds the parts
local a1 = script.Parent
local sample = script:WaitForChild("Sample")
local b1 = a1:WaitForChild("ScrollingFrame")
local c1 = b1.WaitForChild("UI")
-- assumes it loads the local data and pulls from leaderboard
local dataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local dataStore = dataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("Leaderboard")
-- refreshes to start the update and creates a loop
while true do
for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do -- this starts the for loop. Its probably repeatidly accessing data from the players
if plr.UserId > 0 then -- makes sure the user is a real player
local ps = game:GetService("PointsService")--PointsService
local w = plr.Leaderboard.Cured.Value -- this pulls the value of cured out of the player
if w then
pcall(function() -- a function that protects the code and doesnt stop it if there is an error with roblox's servers
dataStore:UpdateAsync(plr.UserId,function(oldVal) --updates old value with a function by first locating player and their ID
return tonumber(w) -- this is a string that takes the argument and returns it as a number. Will return as nil if the argument isnt a number
end) -- ends pcall function
end) -- ends if w then function
end -- this ends the "if w then" function
end -- ends if plr.userID function
end -- this ends the first loop
--start to fetch data
local smallestFirst = false -- puts biggest first
local numberToShow = 1000 -- range of 0-1000 numbers will show
local minValue = 0
local maxValue = 10e30
local pages = (smallestFirst, numberToShow, minValue, maxValue) --possibly the order it fetches data
while true do
for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
if plr.UserId > 0 then
local w = plr.Leaderboard.Cured.Value
if w then
return tonumber(w)
The second part should look like this. You forgot to close your for i,plr loop.
And don’t forget to add a wait() in your while loop. Otherwise your script will crash.