Random GFX I made

I was very bored, and made a random GFX in about 15 minutes.

  • I love it!
  • It’s good.
  • Meh, put more work.
  • It’s kind of bad.
  • I hate it.

0 voters

Thank you. -Mary

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If you want some really honest feedback, all it looks like you did was get an image, paste a ROBLOX character, and add a lighting effect. Nevertheless, it is good for a GFX made in just 15 minutes.


This isn’t a GFX you didn’t even put the FX in GFX. I’m sorry, you could at least use some shading with gaussian blur or render it in blender. Hope you improve if you choose GFX over web development or whatever you’re currently doing.


It looks like you took a screenshot of your character and erased the background and slapped it on the beach background. I recommend using Blender or Cinema4D to get a cleaner looking render. You could also add some shadows to your character to make it actually look like it’s at the beach because right now it’s just floating.


honestly, it looks like you didn’t put much work into this " gfx " at all. It just looks like you got an image offline and put in your roblox character to top it off. I know you can put more effort into this and make it look much better

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I’d not call this GFX, it looks like you went to the person’s profile and downloaded the image of their avatar and you pasted it on the background.

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It kinda looks like you havent put no effort… Not to dismotivate you but to give you a reason to put more effort. The character is not rigged and posed, clothing choice is bad, the background and the character doesnt blend, there is no shadow, is she flying?? The lightning is bad. Well what can I say? Keep improving and learn how to use whatever program you are using to render.
Good luck

How do I delete all of my “gfx” posts?

Since it isn’t gfx char char ch

There should be a delete button on the topic.

It says i don’t have permissions to delete it

just an image slapped onto another one, not a gfx, 1/10 for effort