Random loot script help

Hi, I am a new developer and I have started to make a couple games. One of my games I want to make loot crates that randomly spawn and give random loot of which have a certain drop chance. But the script that I have wrote it will work but not give you any loot. (I have not yet made the random spawn chances for the crates spawning) I don’t know if it’s that I have the weapons in the wrong place or if it’s just the script. But here is the script:

I see 2 conflicting issues in this script, Local Player and ServerStorage. If its a client script they cannot access server storage. If it’s a server script, the server doesn’t have a local player.


A script can’t access to local player this in case that your code is in a script.
A localscript can’t access to the ServerStorage try to use the ReplicatedStorage this in case that your code is in a localscript.
Can you show the type of script that you are using?

I am using the regular script.

Do I need to use the local script?

I would use a localscript, now you wonder how I know the player who touches the block, you can use this.

    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then 
        local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
        sword1.Parent = player.Backpack

It print the name of the player that touch the part

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You can’t edit the code. I’m on mobile

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What do I change my local player = hit.parent to
and what do I change my game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack local player in that to.

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A script can’t acess to LocalPlayer so you can’t use it.

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Again, I am new to all this so don’t get triggered if somethings wrong here but here’s what I have so far:


script.Disabled = false

local player = hit.Parent
local random = math.random(1,100)

if random > 0 and random < 50 then
	local sword1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.sword1:Clone() 
	sword1.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack

elseif random > 50 and random < 100 then
	local pistol1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Pistol1:Clone()	
	pistol1.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack



if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)


    if hit.ParentFindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then
        script.Disabled = false
        local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
        local random = math.random(1,100)

        if random > 0 and random < 50 then
            local sword1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.sword1:Clone() 
            sword1.Parent = player.BackPack
        elseif random > 50 and random < 100 then
            local pistol1 = game.ReplicatedStorage.Pistol1:Clone()	
        	pistol1.Parent = player.Backpack

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If you have your tools in ServerStorage change all the ReplicatedStorage into ServerStorage. This is in a regular script.

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I honestly don’t know what to do, it still is not working. I don’t know what’s going on.
The weapons are in replicatedstorage and I did the script like you did.

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Ok, send me all your script maybe is something at the top.

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The script marks an error in the output?

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No, not from what I have seen in the output

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Dude- you see line 4? You forgot to put a period between parent and find first child


Whoops, didn’t even notice that. Thank you
Still does not work


I saw that you are using a localscript change it into a script

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