Here’s my simplified implementation of the Perlin noise method I described. You can find visual and more detailed representations of the systems described in my implementation link I posted earlier.
If you want the place file you can find it here:
ChunkTutorial.rbxlx (57.5 KB)
Before adding the scripts, make three folders in ReplicatedStorage
called Floors
, Walls
, and Ceilings
You can then add different models in those folders for their specific tiles.
Make sure the sizes of the models reflect the Grid Size that you want. By default, it’s 12, meaning a floor tile for example should be 12x1x12 in size. (you can change the grid size in the script below as you please by changing gen.gridScale
Make sure that each model has a PrimaryPart set that also aligns with the Grid Scale.

Place this inside a ModuleScript named “Generation” in ReplicatedStorage:
--# Sevices
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--# Point
local gen = {}
--# Storage
local Floors = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Floors"):GetChildren()
local Walls = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Walls"):GetChildren()
local Ceilings = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Ceilings"):GetChildren()
gen.chunkStorage = {}
--# Placement Variables
gen.gridScale = 12 -- The grid size in studs.
gen.renderDistance = 5 -- How far we can render relative to a position.
gen.originHeight = 5 -- Height of the ground.
gen.ceilingHeight = 10 -- How high ceilings are placed (offset from the origin height).
gen.wallDensity = 2 -- The amount of walls that get generated.
--# Generation Variables
gen.terrainSmoothness = 3 -- How noisy the generation will be.
gen.wallHeight = 20 -- What is considered the height at which a wall will be placed instead of a floor tile.
gen.seed = 300
--# Functions
local function checkForOverlappingChunk(x, z)
for _, chunk in pairs(gen.chunkStorage) do
if chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.X == x and chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.Z == z then
return true
function gen.placeChunk(x, z, chunkType)
-- Don't place this chunk if a chunk already exists here.
if checkForOverlappingChunk(x, z) == true then
return true
-- We're placing either a floor or a roof depending on the type of chunk.
local chunkModel = nil
local ceilingModel = nil
if chunkType == "Floor" then
chunkModel = Floors[math.random(1, #Floors)]:Clone()
-- Place the ceiling above ground tiles.
ceilingModel = Ceilings[math.random(1, #Ceilings)]:Clone()
ceilingModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, gen.originHeight + gen.ceilingHeight, z))
ceilingModel.Parent = workspace
chunkModel = Walls[math.random(1, #Walls)]:Clone()
-- We're setting the chunks position.
chunkModel:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(, gen.originHeight, z))
-- Saving the chunk in storage.
chunkModel.Parent = workspace
table.insert(gen.chunkStorage, chunkModel)
table.insert(gen.chunkStorage, ceilingModel)
function gen.removeChunk(x, z)
for i, chunk in pairs(gen.chunkStorage) do
if chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.X == x and chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.Z == z then
table.remove(gen.chunkStorage, i)
return nil
function gen.removeDistantChunks(x, z)
-- Delete all the chunks which are too far away.
for _, chunk in pairs(gen.chunkStorage) do
if (, chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.Z) -, z)).Magnitude > (gen.renderDistance*gen.gridScale) then
gen.removeChunk(chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.X, chunk.PrimaryPart.Position.Z)
local function snapToGrid(x, z)
return (math.floor(x / gen.gridScale +.5 ) * gen.gridScale), (math.floor(z / gen.gridScale +.5 ) * gen.gridScale)
function gen.placeSurroundingChunks(x, z)
-- Get the values we'll need.
local scaledRenderDistance = gen.renderDistance*gen.gridScale
local halfScaledRenderDistance = (scaledRenderDistance)*0.5
for posX = 0, (gen.renderDistance) do
for posZ = 0, (gen.renderDistance) do
local scaledPosX = posX*gen.gridScale
local scaledPosZ = posZ*gen.gridScale
-- Make the chunks centered to our position.
local actualPos =
x + (scaledPosX - halfScaledRenderDistance ),
z + (scaledPosZ - halfScaledRenderDistance )
actualPos =, actualPos.Y))
-- Generate the chunks within the render distance.
if (actualPos -, z)).Magnitude <= (gen.renderDistance*gen.gridScale) then
local chunkType = "Floor"
-- Generate a random height based on the chunks position.
local dividedX = actualPos.X/gen.gridScale
local dividedZ = actualPos.Y/gen.gridScale
local noise = math.noise( (posX + dividedX)/gen.gridScale, (posZ + dividedZ)/gen.gridScale, gen.seed)
if math.abs(noise) > (gen.wallDensity*0.1) then
chunkType = "Wall"
gen.placeChunk(actualPos.X, actualPos.Y, chunkType)
--# Finalize
return gen
- Place this inside a LocalScript in PlayerGui or StarterPlayerScripts:
--# Sevices
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--# Include
local gen = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Generation"))
--# Plr
local plr = Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local HRP = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
--# Loop
-- Process chunks every 0.2 seconds.
while wait(0.2) do
gen.placeSurroundingChunks(HRP.Position.X, HRP.Position.Z)
gen.removeDistantChunks(HRP.Position.X, HRP.Position.Z)
- The
method in the module script describes how to generate chunks within a certain radius around the Player.
- Checking if a chunk is occupied is in the
method in the module script as well.
- Placing random tiles is in the
method of the same script as well.