Random, no repeating

I have a random name script where it changes the textlabel’s text on the things into a set name from a table. The problem I have is I want one name appearing only one time. My script repeats the same names on different plates.

VIDEO (apologizing in advance for the poor quality):


local names = {
	"Terry Barrett",
	"Martha Whitlock",
	"David Ester",
	"Gertrude Mason",
	"Lance Thatcher",
	"Olivia Logan",
	"Allen Hudson",
	"Anna Anderson",
	"Terrence Grayson",
	"Charlotte William",
	"Noah Lincoln",
	"Trixie Wyatt",
	"Jayden Scott",
	"Ashley Anton",

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent.templates:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("Model") then
		local label = v.Union.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel
		label.Text = "Dr. "..names[math.random(1, #names)]

How do I make it not repeat the same things?

One quick, simple approach:

  • Create a ‘usedNames’ table.
  • Remove each name from the ‘names’ table as it is used.
  • Add removed names to the ‘usedNames’ table.
  • When #names <= 0, repopulate it via the ‘usedNames’ table.
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Something like this?

local rnames = {
	"Terry Barrett",
	"Martha Whitlock",
	"David Ester",
	"Gertrude Mason",
	"Lance Thatcher",
	"Olivia Logan",
	"Allen Hudson",
	"Anna Anderson",
	"Terrence Grayson",
	"Charlotte William",
	"Noah Lincoln",
	"Trixie Wyatt",
	"Jayden Scott",
	"Ashley Anton",

local usedNames = {}

local function selectname()
	local newname = nil

		newname = Random.new():NextInteger(1, #rnames)
	until not table.find(usedNames, newname)

	table.insert(usedNames, newname)

	return rnames[newname]

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent.templates:GetChildren()) do
	if v:IsA("Model") then
		local label = v.Union.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel
		label.Text = "Dr. "..selectname()

Are you just looking to use table.remove()?

local names = {
	"Terry Barrett",
	"Martha Whitlock",
	"David Ester",
	"Gertrude Mason",
	"Lance Thatcher",
	"Olivia Logan",
	"Allen Hudson",
	"Anna Anderson",
	"Terrence Grayson",
	"Charlotte William",
	"Noah Lincoln",
	"Trixie Wyatt",
	"Jayden Scott",
	"Ashley Anton",

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent.templates:GetChildren()) do
	local ran = math.random(1, #names)
	if v:IsA("TextLabel") then
		local label = v.Union.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel
		label.Text = "Dr. "..names[ran]

Add a task.wait() as the first line, or use Random.

Another option could be to shuffle the table and then loop through the shuffled version in order

-- copies `t`, shuffles the copy, and returns the copy
local function Shuffle(t)
    local s = {}
    for i = 1, #t do s[i] = t[i] end
    for i = #t, 2, -1 do
        local j = math.random(i)
        s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
    return s

-- usage
for i, name in ipairs(Shuffle(names)) do
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simply have a local random var:

RandomIndex = math.random(1, #names)
--then do
local label = v.Union.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel
label.Text = "Dr. "..names[RandomIndex]
table.remove(names, RandomIndex)

do note once its removed from the table it won’t exist so you should have the names table be redeclared (not sure what ur use case is rn)

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