Random orange underline for simple values. Studio bug or Ignorable Issue?

Hi, SpacePyro here.
I don’t know if this is a studio bug or a scripting one, so I’m just going to post it here.

In a script

I was just making a table of parts when strangely, a table got some parts right and others had an orange line under it.

I am having trouble with the system I am building and I am stuck on a bug. I just want to know if the above is the cause or not. Otherwise, I can debug it myself.

Help is appreciated.
Regards, SpacePyro :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This happens to me sometimes even if its actually there but :WaitForChild("") and sometimes restarting Roblox Studio works.

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Here are the things i did to try to get rid of this.

  • Rewrote everything a million times.
  • Used :WaitForChild() (Didn’t fix anything)
  • Deleted the script and put a new one and wrote same thing.
  • Restarted the computer a million times.
  • Got insanely annoyed and left Roblox for a million years came back and am trying to solve this issue.

So I don’t think restarting does anything,
but thanks for the reply. :smiley:

Is the code working or not working???

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Could you tell me what it says if you hover over one of the underlined words?



Try run your code and see if it works.
If it does work then this could be a studio bug and restarting should fix the issue.

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I did try that, I just freaking want to know if the not working of my code is caused by this or not. Otherwise, I still have some sanity left to debug the code. Also again, I restarted my pc a million times.

Thanks for the reply.

Try putting the script in ServerScriptService (SSS) and saying workspace. --Location of model with the parts.

Might be because your using a ModuleScript inside SSS.

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The whole point of it being in the model is so people who dont know scripting can know where to find it and adjust it so its useless of it being in the SSS.
Also i did do it and nothing changed.

Is it printing anything in the output?

Your answer is a two-letter word starting with n and the rest is predictable.

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Try printing the name or a property of the part and see if that prints if it does then its some code in your module that’s not working.


Did it print the name or not???

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Im positive nothing is wrong with the module script.

Have you tried using :GetChildren() on the model and defining the parts by indexing that table?

local parts = model:GetChildren()
local partsA = {parts["Part2"], parts["Part3"]}
local partsB = {parts["Part4"], parts["Part5"]}

Also you define Model = script.Parent after you’ve used script.Parent 7x before, why not define it at the top of your code under SystemModule and then reference that instead?

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I found the problem in my code,
the underlining was an ignorable studio issue.

Thanks for the help.
Also yes I’m yet to finalize the code, I just wrote this as scratch just for testing my module script.

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