Random Out-of-Context Error When Updating Job Status

When changing my Job Status, I am greeted with an error message at the bottom of my screen simply saying “An error occurred” without any other context.



Issue Area: Talent Hub
Page URL: talent.roblox.com
Impact: Low or Medium (If the changed Job Status isn’t showing for other users, this can be a problem. However, if it’s just a false positive, the impact is low).
Frequency: Constantly


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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This happens when changing any value on your profile, it does work so I’m not sure why it shows the error popup.

I am having the same issue.
if I change anything in my profile it cause an error to occur.
and also I noticed that people are not able to access my creator page.

An Error Occurred


Thanks for flagging this - just passed it over to the engineers.



Would you mind checking if you’re still seeing this issue?

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Just checked! I tried changing my status multiple times, and the error is no longer popping up!

Thank you very much for your quick response and fix!

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