how do i make it so that theres a code that chooses between 1-5, and some numbers have higher and lower probability of being chosen?
like for example the number 1 has to be chosen 2 times for the number 2 to be chosen, like imagie a lucky spinning wheel with 3 segments , and 2 of the segments are number one, and only one segment is the number 2, so it has like a 1:3 probability to be chosen.
You can do exactly what you mentioned with the spinning wheel, choose a random number from 1 to whatever and set certain numbers equal to 1 - 5. For example: if i get the number 50 from the random number, I can reference whatever table I have and see 30-50 is 3 so then I use that as my random number.
local chances = {
[20] = 1,
[20] = 2,
[60] = 3}
local random = math.random(1,100)
local result
for weighting, value in pairs (chances) do
random -= weighting
if random <= 0 then
result = value
Something like this should work
local weights = { -- format: number, weight
[1] = 2,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 1,
[4] = 1,
[5] = 1
local weightedList = {}
for number, weight in pairs(weights) do
for i = 1, weight do
table.insert(weightedList, number)
local function choose()
local index = math.random(1, #weightedList)
return weightedList[index]
for i = 1, 10 do -- test