Random Scripts Appearing

Hello! I was working on a game from me. But I found something like 5 times. There keep random scripts appearing. Does anyone know what this mean??


It’s a virus. Check your plugins and anything else third party that you’ve imported into your game.

I only putted some free models thinks but I removed it later

You likely have a malicious plugin if they reappear? That or just free model viruses, go through all your scripts and see which ones are malicious and if they return, it’s likely a plugin readding them, disable them all and slowly enable them one by one to see which one is the cause

This is a virus called Rosync. It is caused by plugins it infects every script in your game. To get rid of all of it, please run this command in the command bar

for i,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
        if v:IsA("Script") then
            if string.find(v.Source, "RoSync Loader") then
                local code = ""
                local splitted  = string.split(v.Source, "\n")
                for lineNum, line in pairs(splitted) do
                    print(type(string.find(line, "Last synced")))
                    if string.find(line, "Last synced") then
                    else code = code.."\n"..line
                v.Source = code

Alright I put it in workplace as a script. I hope it does something. I will contact you if it worked! Thanks :slight_smile:

Btw. Does any plugin looks weird. Should I delete one??waskdkwaoksdokkxkaw

Putting it in a script in workspace is not going to do anything. Go to “View” and turn on “Command bar.” You should see the command bar at the bottom of your screen. Paste the script in and press enter.

Yup, that’s a virus script for you.

Who are the owners of those plugins, press the gear icon on the left side of the plugins tab and screenshot it

Go to your plugins folder in roblox studio and see if any of those plugins has “script injection” permissionsScreen Shot 2021-04-27 at 12.40.49 PM

3D text maker looks a bit dodgy to be honest, why would it be a checkmark?

This is a good tip I did not know about

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Dind’t know that. Here is what I see:

Load catalog items, 3d text maker (The one with the check above it) are both suspicious. Make sure you check the publisher of all of the other ones to make sure they are legit too.

Its load catalog items. DeveloperX is kinda notorious for this stuff. I would still recommend removing 3d text maker too though.

Alright. Imma go try those. :slight_smile:

So, 3D Text maker, Roundify, and ThreeDText2 are safe. I’m also pretty sure Load Character pro is safe as well. Load Catalog is causing the problem.

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Okay! I will delete that one to! Thanks for you’re help!

Btw, I was having this backdoor script issue yesterday, and I think I got it fixed. It ended up being one of the other dev’s plugins. I believe this plugin actually did find which script the plugin inserted that was causing the problem, I haven’t had an issue since. Server Defender | OFFICIAL PLUGIN - Roblox

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Imma go use that to! Thanks for helping!