So i want to generate random symbols
such as symbols than virus scripts have inside free models
I want to use those symbols to secure my admin script handler
But i have not found anything about it in the developer forum.
Help is highly appreciated.
And symbols that roblox supports.
Planned symbol generator:
local Symbols = {} -- No symbols in thought yet.
local StringLength = 15
local NameString = tostring('')
for i = 1, StringLength do
NameString ..= Symbols[math.random(1, #Symbols)]
Untested. Testing at home.
If youre going to name your admin scripts with these symbols, isnt that going to make them stand out a lot more?
Also, if your going to use them to “hide” what remove events send, dont bother.
I have friends who own SynapseX, and with it, they can access anything the client can, and also see exactly what type of information gets sent across events.
Also also, if your script needs to be hidden, or youre trying to hide it, you should probably rescript it because chances are it isnt scripted well.
It uses server-sided permission checking.
And a table.insert wont work.
(trust me, i have tested it)
And i need it so it can not be accessed by normal means.
So random symbol generator would technically work for that.
As no in-game GUI script runner can have an autofill feature.
Also, If exploiters even TRY to run stuff, They will get permenantly server-banned (permaban coming soon)
Also, It will trick exploiters into thinking it is a backdoor and will try to execute stuff on it, To only be greeted with a ban.
So now u have your reason why i want a random symbol generator.
Well, to get the symbols, you could just locate virus scripts in the toolbox, and then insert one of each symbol into a table, maybe. Im not sure if the code is able to read them.
Then, use a for i = 1, 10 do loop to generate a random string of the symbols.
There may be 1000 better ways to do this, but this is all i can think of.
local Symbols = {} -- copy-paste symbols in here
local StringLength = 15
local NameString = ''
for i = 1, StringLength do
NameString = NameString..Symbols[math.random(1, #Symbols)]
why would you need to hide the script if it’s server sided, exploiters cannot access any server scripts even if it’s in their player scripts. Not only that but generating a random name would make it so obvious. The best way to hide it is to place it inside SSS since that can’t be accessed by exploiters
Client-to-server is what it is called. I have an admin gui that works on the client, And then remote events fire it to the server, Aka. The admin script.
simply check if the player who fired it is an admin and if they aren’t just don’t do anything. Or check if the player is an admin and only insert the gui if they are
There really is no reason to hide scripts other than for games where you use require scripts. In worst case scenario I do have a script that deletes itself but continue running for some reason
Now that I think about this more, you could alternatively store the admin gui in ServerStorage, and then give it to admins when they join the game.
Then, all hackers would have is a remote event or two.
-- Server script service
local AdminIds = {
['1234567890']; -- your id here
if table.find(AdminIds, tostring(Player.UserId)) then
-- clone admin ui and parent it to the players PlayerGui
People with permission can see the GUI.
It currently becomes visible or invisible via a button press. and only people with permissions can see the button and activate it.