Random Text Generating Per Round

Hello, I’m trying to make a game and I want a text label to generate word at random each round, how can I do that? My current code that doesn’t work is:

local words = {
    "Roblox Icon";
    "Roblox Studio Icon";
    "VR Headset";
    "Teddie Bear";
    "Ancient Book";
    "Study Book";
    "Treasure Chest";
    "Gravity Coil";
    "Speed Coil";
    "Game Controller";

script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = (words[math.random(#words)])

Thanks for reading
PS, this is where the textlabel is located:

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Your script only runs once.

while true do
    script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = (words[math.random(#words)])

Also this is an inefficient way of doing it.
You should make something that detects when the round ends and then generate a random word.


It doesn’t print out onto the text label though…

try using
words[math.random(1, #words)]


It might be because you’re waiting 6 minutes before it actually sets the text.

Try setting the number on this to a less bigger number.

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Oh yes I fixed it by changing the location of the wait and the print line. It works now! Thanks

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Here you go. Two issues with your original script.

  1. You did not loop your random word generation line.
  2. You need to get the player’s GUI. [Good Practice]
  • You’re waiting 360 seconds
    The code below should help you


--// Services 
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

--// Player Components
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer -- Get the player
local PlayerGui = Player.PlayerGui -- Get the player Gui

--// GUI Components
local TextLable = PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TextLabel

--// Table

local words = {
    "Roblox Icon";
    "Roblox Studio Icon";
    "VR Headset";
    "Teddie Bear";
    "Ancient Book";
    "Study Book";
    "Treasure Chest";
    "Gravity Coil";
    "Speed Coil";
    "Game Controller";

--// Run
local Time = 1 -- How long before a new word is generated in seconds

function GenerateRandomWord () -- You need to call this function once
	while wait(Time) do -- Loops every {Time} is seconds to generate a random word.
		local Word = words[math.random(#words)] -- Generate a random word
		TextLable.Text = Word

GenerateRandomWord() -- Run the function 
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it’s a localscript inside of the gui, he doesn’t need to get the playergui
script.parent would work just fine

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Well the cleanest way to do this wouldn’t be what you’re trying to do. I’ll show you how to do it with events.

So first create a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage, we’ll name this textUpdateEvent.

Next we want to create a script in ServerScriptService and Edit the script you have in MainGui. We will now link the event to the scripts.

In the server script write:

local textUpdateEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.textUpdateEvent

local dismission = 360

while true do




and now when the event fires, it will send a signal out to the clients to change the text.

And in the Local Script write:

local textUpdateEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.textUpdateEvent

local words = {



"Roblox Icon";

"Roblox Studio Icon";

"VR Headset";



"Teddie Bear";



"Ancient Book";

"Study Book";


"Treasure Chest";



"Gravity Coil";

"Speed Coil";






"Game Controller";






script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = words[math.random(1, #words)]


And that should do it. Obviously you don’t want to use events like this all the time, but this will be useful for later when you make a Game script with Rounds. also here is the documentary on RemoteEvents