- What does the code do?
This script spawns zombies into parts called “ZombieSpawn”
- What potential improvements have you considered?
I tried using math.random, but it would just give me an error
- How (specifically) do you want to improve the code?
I would like the script to pick a random ZombieSpawn part and spawn one zombie on it rather than spawn a zombie on every part at once
local spawns = script.Parent
local Enemies = script.Parent.Parent.Enemies
local spawntime = 15
while true do
for _, spawn in pairs(spawns:GetChildren()) do
if spawn:IsA("BasePart") then
local enemyCopy = game.ReplicatedStorage['Zombie']:Clone()
enemyCopy.Parent = game.Workspace.Enemies
enemyCopy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(spawn.Position)
That can be done using something like this
local spawns = script.Parent:GetChildren()
local spawntime = 15
while true do
local randomSpawn = spawns[math.random(#spawns)]
local enemyCopy = game.ReplicatedStorage['Zombie']:Clone()
enemyCopy.Parent = workspace.Enemies
enemyCopy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(randomSpawn.Position)
It’s likely your error was because you forgot to use the random number of math.random
to get a part from the table GetChildren
Thanks! This helped alot, but after I tested it a few times, there was an error in the output that read:
Position is not a valid member of Script “Workspace.EnemySpawns.SpawnZombie”
Oh there’s a script in that folder? In that case, what I would do in your case is that you make a table variable, loop through the enemy spawns folder, check if the spawn is a basepart, and insert it to the table and use that instead
something like this
local spawnsFolder = script.Parent:GetChildren()
local Enemies = script.Parent.Parent.Enemies
local spawntime = 15
local spawns = {}
for _, spawn in ipairs(spawnsFolder) do
if not spawn:IsA("BasePart") then
table.insert(spawns, spawn)
while true do
local randomSpawn = spawns[math.random(#spawns)]
local enemyCopy = game.ReplicatedStorage['Zombie']:Clone()
enemyCopy.Parent = workspace.Enemies
enemyCopy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(spawn.Position)
It says Workspace.EnemySpawns.SpawnZombie:21: attempt to index function with ‘Position’
Ill try setting the scripts parent to workspace instead
I think it may be cause i forgot to change the spawn
enemyCopy.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(spawn.Position)
To randomSpawn
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Thanks for the help! The script works as intended and there are no errors!
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