I’m interested in scripting a random daily prize gui, however I’m not sure how to create it. I’d like it to be similar to Assassin when you unbox a new knife.
Here’s an example: Unboxing *NEW* Autumn Saber EXOTIC (Roblox Assassin) - YouTube (Skip to 2:14)

I’d like it to give it like the wheel effect and it will slowly stop spinning and land on a random prize that they can claim. How can I create the spinning effect and award the proper prize?
Thank you!
Oh thank you! I wasn’t sure how to work it so my search didn’t really do much.
You could just have a table with all possible results and choose a random one based on a function.
-- constants
local Prizes = { -- prizes table
-- variables
local MathRandom = math.random
local Event = Instance.new("RemoteEvent")
Event.Name = "PrizeEvent"
Event.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
-- functions
local function GetRandomReward()
for _,prize in pairs(Prizes) do
local r_Prize = MathRandom(1, #prize)
-- events
Tween the frame, have a frame with multiple labels, tween the frame so it looks like its slowing down.