Randomizer v1.0.0-rc1 | Randomize properties of Instances

Randomizer plugin

This plugins randomize properties of a set of instances in Roblox Studio with only 1 click.

I made this plugins for fun and I thought that it may be useful for builders. So here it is


You have to install the plugin, it’s in the official github repository

Randomize Button

Click this button to randomize the selected properties of the selected instances.

Enable/Disable properties to randomize.

Go to the “Settings” tab in the plugin and click the properties you want to randomize or disable the ones that you don’t want to randomize.

Changing the randomize factor

To change how much the instances should change, you have to change the values inside the “min” and “max” inputs.


This is just a test plugin and not ready for production, if you want to test it, do it. I would like to get ideas and feedback from y’all!


This seems really cool! Would be funny if you could randomize the instances (for example: you could randomize a part into a wedge)

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This sounds good, I will note that

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