If you don’t know what Random.org is, check it out. It uses atmospheric noise to generate randomness, which will end up being much more “truly” random than pseudo-random generators (like math.random
). So if you need some better randomness, this is a good library to use. Of course, it has to make an HTTP call and thus is much slower than calling math.random
, but perhaps useful for generating seeds and such.
I spent a couple hours today writing a library to interface with Random.org’s API. It was pretty straight-forward since their documentation was well-detailed.
To use this library, you have to register for a beta key, which they will just email to you. Then you pass that key to the library’s Init
Here’s some quick examples:
local randomOrg = require(game.Whatever.RandomOrg)
local diceRoll = randomOrg.Integer(1, 6)
local manyDiceRoll = randomOrg.Integer(1, 6, 10) -- 10 rolls
for i = 1,#manyDiceRoll do
print("Roll " .. i .. ": " .. manyDiceRoll[i])
local uuid = randomOrg.UUID()
local chance = randomOrg.Decimal()
if chance > 0.5 then ... end
local str = randomOrg.String(10, "abcdefg1234567")
local usage = randomOrg.GetUsage()
for key,value in pairs(usage) do
print(key, value)
Here’s a list of all the methods:
Random.Integer(min, max [, count])
Random.Gaussian(mean, standardDeviation, significantDigits [, count])
Random.String(length, characters [, count])
Random.Blob(size [, format, count])
Note: If “count” is provided and is not 1, then the result is instead a table
with the results.
The “format” for Blob can either be “base64” or “hex” and defaults to base64 if not provided.
The minimum/maximum/ranges/etc. for the parameters can be found within the ModuleScript source itself, or on the API web page I linked in the first paragraph.
This is slow! It in no way is trying to compete with the speed of math.random
at all. Every function call has to make an HTTP call. There are limits on your API key, which can be watched using the GetUsage function. I made this more as a fun little project, but I hope someone is able to use it somehow practically.