Im making a team based RTS game about 2 teams creating fortresses to fight eachother with, its currently just using a perlin noise map generator i found in a older game i made to create a random map with no prebuilt fortresses, really needing some help deciding on what to do, so some os pros and cons i thought of:
Random map gen:
+ Very little work needed
+ Tons of maps
- Hard to balance maps since the sorrounding terrain is different for both teams, possibly giving one a massive advantage
- No prebuilt structures
- Will require very different game design to pull off
- All maps look very similar and will quickly begin to feel bland
Semi-random maps:
+ All it needs it taking randomly generated maps and adding structures
+ More control over the map
- Hard to balance maps since the sorrounding terrain is different for both teams, possibly giving one a massive advantage
Manually made maps:
+ Can control everything in the map
+ Symmetric map removing possible unfair advantages from terrain
+ Easily added structures, terrain easily edited to support said structures
+ Maps can look way better, with greater variety
- Time consuming
- Random maps
- Semi-random maps
- Manual maps
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Important things i forgot to mention:
This game is being worked on only by me, and thats likely not to change.