Ranking Center (ERROR CODE)

Hey everyone! So I scripted a rank center for my ranking service, and at the end once you purchase it’s supposed to rank you. Here’s the rank code:

local Server = require(script.Server)

game.ReplicatedStorage.Rank.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, rankid)
		Server.SetRank(workspace.CONFIG.GroupId.Value, plr, rankid)
				if game.Workspace.CONFIG.Webhook.Value == true then
							local HTTPsservice = game:GetService("HttpService")
			local data = {
				["content"] = plr.Name.. "has purchased a rank and has been ranked!",
				["username"] = plr.Name
			data = HttpService:JSONEncode(data)
			local url = game.Workspace.CONFIG.Webhook.URL
			HttpService:PostAsync(url.Value, data)

Any ideas?

What is it printing in the console?

It’s not saying anything on the console

Try adding a print() in it, and tell me if you see it printing

Wait it does say

Can you send me that line? 30Words

use print debugging to find the error.

ignore this part since Roblox says 30+ characters