RankTag Won't Show other players only Person with the Rank

Hello guys I have a rank and Name on replicated storage using a billboardGui
Yet, the rank updates, everything works fine but only the person with the rank can See their rank, No one else. It appears just as “Label”.

How can I fix this?

local char = script.Parent
local replicated = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local NameGui = replicated.NameGUI

local nameClone = NameGui:Clone()

nameClone:WaitForChild(“name”).Text = char.Name
nameClone.Parent = char:WaitForChild(‘Head’)

local human = char:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”)

human.DisplayDistanceType = Enum.HumanoidDisplayDistanceType.Viewer

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Are you doing this on the server or the client. As setting the label to the rank name on the client will just update it for you instead of the other players.

Try setting the label on the server, so the changes replicate to all players.

I am doing it on the Client. How can I do it on the server? Do I just move the GUI to ServerStorage or something? Any Help would be Appreciated