For posterity in the badge community, here is a list of all of my rarest, most influential to my badge collecting, or otherwise most epic badges. Note that while I do own all these badges, many may now be unobtainable.
In no particular order:
Top 250 Hunters [Top 250 Hunters - Roblox]. This was part of Ore Tycoon 2’s bag hunt event. It was only given to the first 250 people to get the final bag.
Bag of Lost Memories [Bag of Lost Memories - Roblox]. This was the final bag in Ore Tycoon 2’s bag hunt event. It was very hard to get and required all other bags, plus a bit of dimension-hopping.
Defeat the brain keeper (Mega hard) [Defeat the brain keeper (Mega hard) - Roblox]. Back in the day, this was the ultimate boss in F.R.I.E.N.D.S. You had to get all other badges, go through a portal that was only open on a certain day, and then complete an insanely long and hard obby. As a result, only 800 people have it.
100 Streak [100 Streak - Roblox]. While this is not as hard as 100 Streak Hardcore, it’s still very hard and only has 13000 owners. I spent a week trying to get this.
Nightfall [Nightfall - Roblox]. I don’t remember exactly how this was unlocked, but this was a limited super-secret challenge in Before the Dawn: Redux that would unlock a very OP slasher called Rachjumper Nightfall once gotten. Very limited and rare.
12 Secret Trials [12 Secret Trials - Roblox]. Finding these trials is a challenge in itself, and the trials themselves are nothing to sneeze at either. Not to mention your progress doesn’t save. It’s the second-rarest badge in the game.
Fifteam Egg [Fifteam Egg - Roblox]. You know what this is. Finding the puzzle pieces is almost impossible without a YT walkthrough, and you’ll want to set aside a few hours to get through the obby. Not only did I complete this, but I also did it in time to get the actual hat, which not too many people can say.
Find the air glitch! [Find the air glitch! - Roblox]. This was before I had joined the badge community and knew how to glitch, but even so, I managed to locate the badge on the expansive map and organize a team of 12 people to create a ladder to the badge. One of my proudest moments.
The Final Domo [The Final Domo - Roblox]. The mother of all domos, and can only be found after finding every other domo. This was the first badge game I “beat”, and the final domo remains rare to this day, with only 13511 owners.
VIP [VIP - Roblox]. Not very rare, but this badge holds a place in my heart because it’s what got me interested in badges in the first place. The rest is history.
House complete [House Complete - Roblox]. Again, not very rare, but this was the very first badge I got from an official ROBLOX event. It awarded this: Mask of the Lost Village - Roblox
Welcome to Mansion Tycoon! [Welcome to Mansion Tycoon! - Roblox] Very easy to obtain, yet one of a kind. It’s the only glitched square badge I ever obtained, as all the others went unobtainable long ago. Update: some people figured out how to make more square badges in the modern day. This one is the oldest, though, so I still think it’s cool.
Level 10 [Level 10 - Roblox] My first badge. Ever. Murder Mystery 2 was not only the provider of my first badge, but it was also how I got introduced to Roblox in the first place.
Passed [Passed - Roblox] A whole lot of collaboration went into getting this badge and the payoff was huge. Also, the ending with the head and long arms monster was insane. Since I wasn’t able to get a picture of the end result, I’m recording it here.
You Met The Chairman! [You Met The Chairman! - Roblox] This badge was old and broken, but I managed to track down the chairman and help him fix it. It was the first badge I successfully got restored.
master (as well as the other 61 master badges in the game) [master - Roblox]
This and the other similar badges were the prize for an extremely complex puzzle spanning more than 10 Roblox places. It took me about 2 days of dedication and some help from others to navigate said puzzle and claim the badges. It was one of the hardest puzzles I’ve ever done. Now, I am one of only two people to ever have won it properly. -
hogwarts [hogwarts - Roblox]
You need a little accuracy and a lot of luck to get this badge. It’s the hardest obtainable badge in the game, and only 4500 out of the 11.2 million people who joined the game have gotten it.
Will be updated as I think of more.