Roblox Architects is a building group on Roblox founded by ZeroVelocity and Fisherman94 on September 28, 2009. In 2018, the group was handed down to Plutonem to continue RAR’s dedicated legacy, and later handed down to AerialsAbove in December 2020.
Our main goal at RAR is to create a strong and connected community of users with a passion for Building to develop and share their skills in a mutually beneficial and constructive environment. Roblox Architects is the go-to group for Builders who have grasped the basics of building and want to improve and get more involved in the building community here on Roblox. RAR is known for its diversity of members, ranging from starter Builders to the best Builders and 3D Artists on the platform. Many members of RAR make an effort to help other Builders perfect their craft and also sharpen their own Building skills.
This page tells you everything you need to know about RAR and how it operates on a day-to-day basis.
Code of Conduct
A member of Roblox Architects is expected to behave themselves in a way that respects him/herself and others. Acknowledge that other members are often in contact with the same developers and bad reputations spread quickly. Note that staff are free to remove you from RAR at any time if they judge your behavior as unacceptable, your actions reflect the group’s identity.
Users should avoid discussing or broaching certain topics. We invite users to discuss anything that comes to their mind as long as it isn’t offensive, causing harm or too inappropriate. Debates are allowed, as long as the two parties are friendly, there is an appropriate topic, and there are no insults being thrown between parties.
Ranks and Ranking Up
Roblox Architects offers 4 levels of experience to assist in distinguishing different skill levels of Builders. To get promoted, a user must apply for a higher rank by notifying a staff member. Staff then start a vote for that user and if a majority of the users that are voting say yes, then the user ranks up. If a staff member sees fit that a new member of the group is well inside a certain skill level, they may rank that user up.
An intrinsic member has grasped the basic concepts of building. They’ve dedicated themselves to developing a place or set of models to show off their talent.
An intrinsic-level showcase(s) would look like: Taiga Harbor , Aura
There is a big step up from intrinsic to extraordinary and getting to this rank is no small feat. There are lots of builders on Roblox but these users have showcases or builds that are distinctive and impressive. Their skills have spread from simple building to creating atmospheric and detailed creations.
An extraordinary-level showcase(s) would look like: The Abandoned Library , City Dreams
An outstanding-level showcase(s) would look like: oceanpeak , Silent Serenity , Dead End - Underground , The Backstreets
These members create incredibly high detailed and consistent showcases and have likely been doing so for a long time. This is the one of the most prestigious ranks in RAR and only builders who have made a huge endeavor to improve their skillset can climb this high. Users here have experience in most, if not all, facets of studio and have proven their skill time and time again. Users who wish to apply to this rank must do so with a completed showcase or very close to that.
A master-level showcase(s) would look like: Forbidden Alley , The_Immortal’s RAR Sky Island Submission , Erebus
This is the highest possible rank in Roblox Architects. Users with this rank have shown that they are adept at building and are among the best builders on Roblox. To achieve this rank, the user must show mastery or very close to mastery in atmosphere, consistency, detail, and other aspects of an excellent showcase. There are very few users who have gotten this high, and as for those who have, they’ve put in much effort in regards to improving their Building skills. Anyone with this rank is a splendid builder that has dedicated themselves to getting to the top.
Group Projects
Group Projects are among the many traditions of RAR. They take place every month or couple of months, and have a specific theme in mind. For instance, the event that took place in Janaury/February of 2021 had a Sky Islands theme. These projects tend to have a handsome prize, and all participants have a ton of fun with their submissions. Group Projects tend to get 20+ participants and the Roblox Architects community is all for it.
Entry Guide
Feel free to reference the Ranks and Ranking Up section of this post for more information.
If you want to have a different account if yours in the group instead of your current, make sure your builds/places are saved onto your new account.
- Understanding of building tools (Roblox Studio, Blender if applicable, etc.).
- Quality of build and attention to detail.
- Consistency throughout a build (all areas are equally detailed)
- Ambiance (Lighting, Sound).
To join Roblox Architects you should include “RAR” in the title or description of the game you would like us to look at before sending a join request. This makes it infinitely easier for our hardworking moderators to do their jobs. If you do not do this, mods reserve the right to decline your request. If you already have an eligible build of yours on your profile, staff are able to accept you without you adding [RAR] to your game’s name. Despite this, we encourage you to add [RAR] to the title of your game so staff know clearly what you want to submit.
Our moderators frequently look through join requests, but if you’d like to streamline the process feel free to send a message to one of our staff with a link to the place(s) that you’d like them to look at.
If you have any questions about the group or getting into the group, please contact a Moderator or Administrator with your inquiry, and they will get right back to you. The RAR staff team is very dedicated and active and do their best to provide you with the best experience in the group.