Rate and Give Feedback; Water Caustics

So currently I am trying to create water caustics that look semi-good. But I feel like something’s missing.

Any way that you can give feedback?

Link: Realistic Water Test - Roblox


Heey what’s Up! I think maybe make it a bit brighter!
And add a bit of green like algae it gives a affect like it’s a bit old
And for the ceiling get some water dripping. and maybe for the side of the wall do like a crack like it’s gonna break and A dead Zombie put some blood near it or even on the floor or walls but it does Look Good keep up the hard work :slight_smile:

Considered, but no. I am only showcasing caustics.

What? No. Its a showcase for caustics. And unnecessary gore doesn’t fit in builds.

Can see why but its on purpose.

That’s pretty dang cool, how’d you do it?

I used beams.
A LOT of beams.

It almost looks like there’s a bit of an oil slick on the water in the images…

…I can smell the smoke, and fried GPU’s.

It is the caustics. The light reflects it on the room.

My PC is pretty mid-end and I can get decent FPS at the recommended graphics level. (8)

Ah, sorry, you may want to explain what caustics are so us dummies don’t comment on just the look of the water. :grin:

The caustics are also on the water, so you should judge on it…