Hello everyone. I’m working on a free for all shooter game, and created a simple shotgun model and reload animation. Any tips on how to improve the animation. Just a reminder, I’m going for the blocky look on the guns, because I want the game to be simple more than realistic. Thank you everyone!
Hmm that is good for beginner, maybe makeing stock bigger and carry handle lower. Try looking up M4A1 for referebnce they going off eveery dfetail. (well, not all details that would take so long)
That does look better, some parts could use beveling or more porportionate to real m4a1, and I recommend if you want to add a picatinny rail just for some extra detials on carry handle and the handgaurd but handguard usally it might ot might not anywa I got to go I will be tomorrow
Hey, thanks for the response! It took me around half an hour to an hour and a half to model them, so an average of about 1 hour, I suppose. Do you see any improvements that can be made while still keeping that blocky vibe to the guns?
I think the model is lookg great, especially if this is like your first time doing something like this. The animations look a little basic and i think just need a bit more movement, but overall nice job!