Rate my Blender welder helmet

So I’m making a tower for my upcoming game Bloxy Hero Defense, and I decided to use Blender to make a welder helmet for my tower (Please give me a name for my tower, it will be able to use a flamethrower). I haven’t used Blender in a few months, but I’d like you to rate my model.

In Blender:

In Studio:

Thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

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2 / 10 ⭐

Looks like something anyone would be able to make in like 2 minutes. This is litteraly jsut a cube on a bended plane.

Have you even used any reference to make this? I would suggest actually studying what a real Welding helmet looks like, and trying to incorporate as many features as possible. Below is an image of a Welding Helmet I found on Google

First of all, it extends backwards much further than your version does, and secondly the box isn’t just a cube. It has more depth, and is attached to a hinge.

Now I’m not really gonna comment on your model being textureless, as I already know the anwser; “iT’s SUpPossED tO be LOw poLY”


Not good.

Looks like somebody taped some paper to their face.

Also, I agree @kosava’s comment.

It does not match the references at all.

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try not to use “plane” as your base object maybe ?? because it look very thin and flat like a piece of paper, try using cube instead then modeling the face plate and the eye cover and any other parts detail separately therefore you can customize each of the parts details and the vertices and for the eye protection you can either use “shrinkwrap” modifier on to the cube to make the cube have the purrfect shape of the face cover bend even though you can get the same result with “boolean” modifier too but its up to you o.o