this is what i made and yes it works
You could also change the image of scroll bar and change the font.
Yes I can but idk to which image for scrollbar
Maybe something like this?
heres a update! that you may like
The font is really good, but can you increase the value of ScrollBarThickness property? And make the image of scroll bar a bit darker.
naa dark looks really bad i guess something else
But why is it so blurry?chars
this is cause i changed your image lemme try with another
Looks cool. Another suggestion I may make is how about a little script that replaces specific words with Ye Olde English/Pirate speak equivalents? E.g. “Your” → “yer”, “Yes” → “Aye”, “Them” → “Em”, etc
i was legit thinking about that for a long time but i dont know if that possible cause doing that for ever single word would take a TRILLIOn years
Its better now. But what about details?
what do you mean by that? i dont understand
Currently it looks like a line with gradient. By details I mean some cuts or creases.
hmm yea i dont know
i have found a api that does Wha' ye jus' said