Rate my games I have made

heya devs from the devforum

I have recentlymade a game called, bacons party, bacons party 2 and work!

I want to see what you think about the game

Bacons party:

Bacons party 2:


I hope I have good feedback for my next game :smiley:


  • ikepike3333
  • The first game is quite bad. The build is pretty low, not much effort put into it And the map look like you just took a camping game template and didn’t work much on it.
    And I see a lot of free models that make it very bad And the story makes no sense and it’s really short :expressionless:
    So to resume briefly, If it was to rate this game I’d say 2/10.
    But don’t give up, if you get involved and work a lot on this game you should be able to make a good game.

  • The 2nd game, most of the review is same as the first game Much more free models and a faster walk gamepass of 200 robux for this game? I don’t think anyone would buy it.

  • For the last one, the hub is much more worked, which is cool but still need some improvement. Good point, now there is music in party, which make it much more active. Also the “back to lobby” button doesn’t work, may need to fix that. The building inside the map are quite simple and good here (I hope those are not free models :slight_smile: ) The story is quite more original from the 2 previous games.

In total, I’d say, focus on only one story for the moment, work on it a lot, make sure to review everything to fix the small bugs and maybe you’ll be able to make a very good story game.