Right now I only have some visuals but yea
Pretty cool I like this. Im no means a decent artist but the visuals look nice for this especially the lighting 9/10
The horror game looks good from the pictures so far. Nice job on it.
looks pretty plain, remove the leaderboards, make the arm vm less untextured, make the mouse invisible, and make the fog closer (not too much, but enough)
that is how the character looks and design wise it is purposely done like that as its meant to be extremely stylized towards the simplistic parts
also it looks very plain as i am still in the building stage (i will eventually remove the leaderboard though when i add gui)
character update (viewmodels replicate)
Nice. Does the VHS affect/static move or is it stationary?
currently it doesnt move though i might eventually make it move by making the image slighty offset a certain amount of deltatime (renderstepped time just incase lol it makes it look similar across devices)
update: made a slow vhs animation (its 3 frames to match the style of everything else) and changed some lighting yea
Love the screen effect. No idea how the flashlight looks like that but it’s super cool. You might want to give a set of specific player characters so that silly avatars (like mine) don’t ruin your atmosphere.
that is what happens it defaults to the newest character model shown (i might make it so it gives a few random hats later)