I made ice-themed weapons for Vesteria… would like some feedback
They look amazing! I particularly love the spear structure too . I honestly could not give u any constructive criticism
Looks amazing mN! Keep doing this stuff
They look amazing. Keep up the great work!
They look very nice, can you show us the textures and wireframe too? I really like the edge work on the handles to give a direction to the shading - nicely done.
I like the style. The spear looks especially interesting and different.
Those weapons do look amazing like the previous people have said, and it does seem like you quite some detail into it.
Also, id like to recommend to add some little more detail in the 2 first swords, in the blue part of it.
I personally think the three weapons you’ve showed us here are of good quality. Considering they’re low-poly in nature, I don’t know if you intend on applying any textures or additional marks on the weapons. With that being said, I cannot find any problems with them. Good work.
Your three weapons they look very high quality. Like all the different details you added to them and the split parts on the handles and the blade! part looks very amazing,overall you really done a great job on them. Hope to see more of your work very soon keep it up!!
Amazing work, keep going in this way.