Rate my low-polyish build

This was made with a friend, rate or suggest things to add because we’re not completely done but we have ran out of ideas. Supportive criticism is appreciated, if you give us a bad rating tell us why please. this was our first actual build took a couple of hours because we had to figure everything out. Not sure if this counts as low poly but, I think it is.


Lemme know what you think.

John doe was just used as a reference.


The outside needs a lot of more detail. I would add flowers, sign etc. It seems very empty.


Would suggest adding some bricks sticking outwards, pretty easy to do and gives that little detail

Make it stick out about 2-3 studs also if you don’t want people being able to climb over using them just turn off CanCollide in Behaviour.


Posts like this have been made extremely frequently in the past few weeks – i.e., asking for advice on a plain brick building with some windows. The advice doesn’t really tend to change.

  • Make the windows less neon, which can be done by increasing transparency.
  • Add more detail to the important facades.
  • Create more before asking for advice; there is no situational context that can be applied to this build, and it is also very difficult to give advice on something that is so small.

Overall a great looking build, especially since it was your first.

Here are some ideas of what to add:

  • Some extra details on the exterior walls. This could be in the form of extruding blocks like @1Katiee suggested, or simply a color variation so it isn’t all just green.
  • Definitely some scenery. Bushes, trees, grass, anything to put the build in an environment. A build surrounded by detail always looks much better than if it stands alone, even if both are identical.

When approaching a build like this I would recommend searching the internet for a reference picture. Just find a picture of a building you really like the look of and take ideas from there.

Best of luck with improvements and future builds!


Looks good, doesn’t have much detail though. Also the carpet isn’t a very good choice in my opinion.

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Looks good but, sorry for my pickiness, I would recommend resizing the door hammer, making the windows taller, and placing some down by the door. I assume this is one of your first builds with low poly so good job!

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