Rate my map (also i need help with lighting settings)

Hello, developers
today i’ve made a map for my game
I want to receive some feedback
link: my map - Roblox
also i want to know how to set lighting settings to make it look better!


The map is very cartoon-like and simple. I like it. There does seem to be a weird water/land ratio… is this intentional?

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Could you provide screenshots to help me and others to be more liable to help instead of joining the game


I think this is off-topic. Your post should have been in Building Support instead of Scripting Support.

Here is my opinion about the map

I think you should remove the spawn to make it look more natural

If there were a bridge, It’d look nicer.

I think you should remove this bush

I like the way you place the trees and I like your trees too but you should add more types of low poly trees because it looks boring when all trees are same.
You should not make bushes and the leaves from the same mesh if you want it to look nice…

Here is my opinion about the lightning

I don’t understand much about lightning but when a low poly map is foggy, it annoys me.
If you are making a forest you should try to make a green fog color.
If you want it to be more realistic about the ligtning you should add sun rays.
If you want the lightning to look nicer in Studio you can use Future is Bright

That is all I can say…


The map alone is good although, I do believe adding some more scenery, houses and different types of plant would make it better. Lighting wise, I believe that the heavy fog doesn’t complement the bright vivid colours of your current environment. Traditionally with the style of your map I would envision a cheerful and sunny environment. However, if you intend to go for a foggy approach then I would recommend to dim it down. And as for lighting that would depend on what you mean by “better”.

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i’m using voxel (im not sure is voxel future is bright)

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This thread belongs in #development-support:building-support. Please move the thread by clicking the pencil beside the thread’s title. Don’t miscategorise your posts. There’s a summary on each category to help you determine what category is most appropriate for a thread.

I mean, if you’re looking for an honest opinion, I’m not fond of it. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to get out of this other than two grassy platforms with low poly trees on them. I can’t even tell if those trees are your own, though I’m assuming that due to a lack of their presence on your profile.

There’s not much advice or anything that can be offered. You haven’t specified what the map is being used for and there isn’t even much to talk about regarding the map itself.

tress are made by me but it’s model is published on my other acc
also i changed topic

The map is very… flat. To be honest it’s boring to look at. Your game won’t be very engaging to anybody playing it most likely. You should have also told us what the map is for, like a game lobby, a mission, or whatever. I recommend you get the low poly terrain generator plugin, it can help you create much more immersive environment that people playing your game will enjoy more.

Low Poly Terrain Creator Plugin


As for the trees and other objects I recommend you create more variety, and also add some buildings around. I’ll rate this map 3/10.

its fully made by me, orginaly it was published on my other acc but i republished its on this acc (plugins made the work 50% faster)

It has a very lively atmosphere and looks good for:
I liked 100/100

Visually, it looks excellent. It has a brilliant simple design and I like your use of a small number of vivid colours. This has created a great overall theme which is very pleasing to the eye. I think that you have done a magnificent job on this project and I would love to see how you develop it, after you have added other assets of the same theme. Top marks on your project so far.

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