Rate my new game

Rate my game
I just made a new game today. It is a Zombie killing game. I just want to know about what the other devs think of it. Maybe the devs can identify some glitches. Please rate my game in the replies so I can know if I should spend my robux on advertising this game or should I make a new game and advertise that game.
Here is the link: Zombie Civilization - Roblox


It’s mostly free models, the animations aren’t too good, the zombie AI sucks, the building isn’t anything special, just the free road from the toolbox and 1 block with windows as a “building”, there isn’t any counter on how much ammo you have and the game doesn’t have like anything else to do, it’s like fun for only 1 second then it’s boring. If not worked on it has no chances for popularity, please do not advertise the game in this current state

The road pack was made by me some months ago not taken from toolbox. City roads - Roblox

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btw still thanks for the review. I have a bad pc so maybe I will not be able to update it because of the Zombie fall. But I will make new games.

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This is a great start. take everything you’ve learned and your next game will be 100times better :smiley:

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Okay, the game is great, but there are so many zombies, second, zombies are free models and the chat is lagging, please fix that.

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If this is one of your first games, its still quite good, it’s similar to my first game.
But however, when I think of a game, I think of something I would like to play for a while. This game just has a lot of problems making it not really fun to play.

One thing I noticed is that the buildings are very basic. A big brick, with some windows. This is still a great start, considering that when I started building, that’s not something I would be able to do.

Another thing I noticed was that the middle building wasn’t too great. It has no interior, and was made of terrain. Being honest, making a building from terrain isn’t a great idea. It just doesn’t look great.

Lastly, there are waaaaaay too many zombies. This amount causes the server to lag a absolute ton, making the chat lag, physics breaks, the zombies stop taking damage, etc.

However, I still see a ton of potential in you becoming a great developer. I know the guns and stuff are free models, but I don’t blame you at all. Nobody can just sit down and make some great working guns for one of their first games.

So in the end, you were creative with the skill you had, and were able to make something pretty good. You should keep practicing, and one day you just might make something pretty dang amazing.

Stay creative! :grinning:


Thanks for telling me. Join the group so you know when the remake is out.

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