Rate my portfolio site

I’ve spent about 5 hours making this site and I want to know what other people think about it. It’s primarily built for desktop. On phones it’s not that good. Tell me what I can make better. Thanks! https://crowncrazy.github.io/


I think that the website itself contains some pretty cool animation, but there isnt really any indicators that there is animation in the website, so for the people whom don’t know their way around technology well it can cause issues. But overall its pretty cool.


Interesting. Here’s some ideas:

  • Attempt to make the background animations a little smoother.
  • Add a button that sends you to the bottom of the page.
  • Add a bit more content, explain more about who you are and why someone would want to work for you.

I found this to be true- although I’m pretty good with tech, I thought the site was going to auto-play. Though, when I scrolled, I saw what needed to happen.

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The appearance is really nice, and I like the look.

The only major issue I had when looking at it was with the games/showcases. I couldn’t find any links, which made me frustrated. Links for your games and showcases would be really helpful, and would boost people getting in contact, I believe.


There are links. Its buggy though.
I got this a glitch when I first clicked the game names.


It’s a nice setup, however, I think add more content would be better. Like explaining what brought you to building and just more about yourself. Someone looking to hire a developer is going to want to know a little bit about why they are motivated to build.


Oh, I see! When I visited the site, I didn’t see any. That’s good OP got em (:

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Maybe for hiring a full time staff member, however for commissions I tend to focus on their work, work ethic, and the way they conduct themselves.


i saw youre sushi shop sim when will it be released, sounds cool!


It looks very good! The scrolling should be smoother, but you did a nice job on it!


This website looks very professional while awesome and all of the elements combined make it very selling of your skills, and of course, it shows all of your work and displays a proper portfolio.

I like the animation. Its pretty smooth already and the models in the background work very well. However, I would recommend making the text on the animation flow a bit smoother. I would also recommend to find better positioning for some of the text.

I also recommend adding more content. Let the world know more about yourself. Add more detail and anything you can think of that just fits in.

This is very very good at getting customers overall. If I were to look at this from a regular consumer standpoint just looking for a builder or modeler, you would probably sell me the way you get the point across with the website.


It looks nice! However, there are some bugs in the site, like the “Hi, I’m Crown” header appearing all over the site regardless of how far I scroll. I do think that the headers could use easing as you scroll, and it shouldn’t stop if you stop scrolling. You should make it so that the new sections of your site will automatically ease into the next one if they scroll about only halfway through.


I like it! There are some bugs but people here already mentioned them, but I think it’s nice.


It’s planed to be released this summer. Maybe 2 months from now.


id love to test it out xd is it finished?

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No, it’s not finished yet. I’ll do lots of ads for it so you’ll probably see it.