Rate my Robot boss build

Hey reader. I just finished building my Robot boss for my upcoming game. This is an alpha build and will probably change before final

Phase 1 Full Mech

Phase 2 Capsule

Thanks for reading!
EDIT: The core is not made by me


this is so cool this is how i FEEL about your build [how i feel :exploding_head: did you make this in studio

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Very nice, I am looking forward to how the whole game’s style is going to be


That’s one way to enter into the comments. Yes this was made in studio. Can you give feedback that I can use to improve it?

Thanks for the feedback! Anything I could improve on?

theres nothing to improve its perfect maybe add some thing to make you fear maybe by size idk maybe it looks smol in picture

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You could try adding particles to the glowing parts :smiley:


That helps, I can probably find someway to add more fear. Thanks for the feedback

also the first one is my favorite

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I can see the robot looking already better with that. Thanks for the feedback!

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To add on, try adding particles to the floating parts so they seem connected by some kind of beam or light ray, hope this helps :smiley:

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Very detailed and accurate! You can add some particles for example fire particles for orange neon parts.

Also you can remove reflection of sun on this part, it will make it look better

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You got it, I can see this looking good. Thanks for the feedback!


Maybe make the blue less of a cyan color and more of a blueish color, it overall makes the build feel a bit off. Other than that, I think that it looks great!

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wow its cool nice work. It looks good