Check out my sniper reload animation!
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Check out my sniper reload animation!
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8/10! Only problem is that the mag clips with the hand and goes through it a little bit. Overall, pretty dang good!
thanks for the advice! Although i abandoned this project a while ago.
The reload has a lot of hesitation, and looks very plain. It’s slow in unnecessary ways, and looks way too awkward. Also, the recoil is way too strong for a sniper you’re holding with two hands.
Its called exaduration. It is a principal of animation.
Also the “awkward-ness” is part of the style
Never heard of “exaduration”, maybe give me some context to that, but if it is part of the style, I guess you can stick with it. Try to at least make the movements more fluid.
It is exadurated because i want people to be exited or entertained to watch my animation. I exadurate it because a normal animation might be exiting for some people but most people would want something new.
That’s why it looks like it