How is my build so far?
It has so far taken me about 30 minutes. Here is the picture, please rate it 1-10, I’d like criticism as well.
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0 voters
How is my build so far?
It has so far taken me about 30 minutes. Here is the picture, please rate it 1-10, I’d like criticism as well.
0 voters
More updates coming in soon, as I work on this.
whose messing with the votes lol
¯_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t know, maybe it’s joe.
It’d be better to say it in the comments
whats the neon lights and stuff? the sunrays look bad idk what that brown thing is and there needs to be better lighting and stuff
Dude I’m going to be harsh… I’m sorry-
That’s so far from good. The lighting is dark, the room is small and tiny, I don’t even think a player can even jump fully in that room. The neon whatever that is doesn’t match and the floor is just a copied texture. The pillow looks like a free model and it all just looks out of shape.
It’s not that great bud, I’ll be honest, it looks as if this took like 2 mins to make.
For you to improve, I really suggest searching online pictures from google and using reference images. That’s a huge key in building!
Maybe some like this? (Reference image)
And also, I’d really suggest to finish the build first and then ask for feedback. Asking for feedback in the middle makes everything more messy.
I would use a reference. For some people it’s hard to build something good right from their head. I don’t know what to say it just doesn’t look very attractive.
It is okay, though it looks more of a Seoul basement apartment than a Tokyo one