Rate parts of my game map? Will Accept Criticism

I would say, that when improving your builds, try to avoid colliding them. Ex. One of them you duplicated and rotated. This style seems to depreciate the buildings, especially, if two parts of different color/ material collide. I would try to build off the building itself from the outside, rather than the from the inside if you know what I mean. :upside_down_face:
I do like that you are trying to change up the styles of the buildings.
Do remember, you do not have to technically change all of the,.

Adding on to my previous comment, adding things to the buildings would be a good idea. Ex. Adding doors, windows, etc. That is truly up to you! I hope you get the idea with that.

Sorry for the bad quality photo, but do you see what I mean? See how the parts or groups of parts collide in that way?


yes i do but some are good in small portions not lots but i see where you are coming from. i see that the buildings are just windows and the windows are the building is a texture but i should add different styles

Something you could do, if you do not want change it, put a small layer on top, covering the pieces. That will cover up the combined parts.

oh i see what you mean normally people wont be up there tho but ok

this is what the player sees

The problem is that, you never know who will see what. Unless you are positive that they will not be able to see it. Unless you don’t care about them seeing it. It is truly up to you what you decide to do with this now.

Best of luck to you and your project.

thanks best of luck to you also one last thing before you leave this thread how do you think this looks.

I would suggest making a garage for the driveway path. I would also suggest scaling the driveway to fit the frame of the garage floor. I see that you have the house as a purchasable item. You could make a front door and make that the key part in purchasing a house. I would also suggest not using a square roof on a house.

There are infinite options of what you can do here, you just gotta think of your options. One thing that seems to help a lot of builders and myself, is visualizing your building before building it. You could even go out and find some examples and build relating to it.

alright thanks for all your feedback i really appreciate it. i will consider the ideas you mentioned as i build thanks.

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