Any improvement you guys can see being made to it and do the button sizes need to be changed, the color schemes, the button closeness to eachother, etc
and how likely are you to actually click on them?
and also how do i improve the starpass button because i feel like something’s missing about it
(the recording’s audio wasn’t working in the first half of the video, my bad),
thank you
Thank you for the advice!,
i do have a script in place that detects which button the player is hovering on
and changes the button and text zindex from 1 to 2 but i will try to optimize it even more,
thank you again!
sound and spacing looks very good to me, colour can be changed but its really up to you. Biggest problem I have is the text on top of the avatar and invite buttons. I highly recommend you to remove them entirely since they stick out in a weird way since your other buttons dont have them and their scaled differently (avatar editor text is bigger than invite). Overall very good! I like the VFX and SFX.
Another thing you might want to change the text color to be more distinguishable, in the image you provided the black texts are a bit hard to see with the background of the road. You could either change the colour, make it bigger, or remove them its entirely up to you just keep in mind the theme of your game.
Thank you for the detailed rating!
i honestly had no clue where to find icons to put on the avatar editor and friend invite buttons
so i decided to use text as a the only fix i found but yeah making players read instead of putting cool images isn’t the best UI decision to make in a game i know lol,
As for the black text i was playing on the players’ curiosity to click and or hover on buttons
to see what they do and the chance that it might increase the button click rates if that makes sense
If i was you for the friends icon I would look for something similar to the roblox friend icon but with thin outlines like you did for your other icons
Thank you so much for the high quality feedback!
I will take those 2 icons into consideration and will start working on them soon
truly appreciate your help!
You honestly shouldn’t describe things with plain text like you did with the avatar editor and the friend invite, everything else is colorful icons, so why can’t you find icons for those?
Also, for the love of god, make all of the text white
It also, personally to me, looks trippy how some of these can change colors, and specially how different the rideables icon is from all the others, it looks thicker, but that’s only a minor inconsistency
I would also try to change the design of the star pass, just a generic pattern doesn’t seem to fit what its for, for the least I would change it to a pattern that’s more related, such as a tile of a bunch of stars
The star pass button seems a little disruptive from how big it is, but the fact that its for monetization compensates for that, although I would try fixing this minor inconsistency
I thank you very much for mentioning the star pass button because i did feel like something wasn’t right about it,
in terms of the text ok you and urgentnotice have mentioned this so looks like it really needs to change lol my bad for that
also thank you for pointing out those small inconsistencies because they can really add up and ruin the entire UI so thank you for digging deep as for the icons the rideables icon does look like an impostor you’re correct and for the friend invite and avatar editor i thank urgentnotice for giving me advice on them that i will be working on as soon as possible
These 2 need to be changed as other people have said., they’re inconsistent with other buttons and the images don’t represent what the button does at all.
The icon for this should be a hammer or something, not whatever it is, I can’t tell what its supposed to be. I thought it was a character at first but now I’m just confused.
The icon on this is inconsistent with the others as the lines are too thick, and I believe it should be renamed to “Transport” or “Vehicles” instead of “Rideables”
This button just doesn’t fit in with the others, its an entirely different style to them.
Like, the other buttons have an icon on a flat color and text under, this one has dots across it, a gradient color, text in it and yeah, it just doesn’t fit.
Judging by how its a “pass” I’m guessing its a battle pass of sorts, so maybe you could give it an icon of a horizontal check list or something? I’m really not sure.