Rate the update to my game

it is multiplayer you need one other person


My problem with the game is that its mostly free models, If you want to make better and more popular games I would recommend researching how to make your own framework!

Yeah I’m sorry but free model games will not work. Making a drawing of a dog (example) by hand will look much better than getting heads and feet and colors from a book and Frankenstein it together. Good concept, but I think you need to make your own things.

Ok so I have a few points here and there:-

  1. When I first saw the menu screen, I noticed that I’ve been searching for the “Deploy” button like everywhere until finally finding it at the bottom left corner, the gui looks pretty default with the arial font and else, but it would be cool if the gui looks a bit more interactive for the theme of the game…

  2. The models of the guns doesn’t look that bad, if these are models created by yourself, hats off for the effort!! However, if that’s isn’t the case, then you should watch out for upcoming bugs, possibly the bugs that ruin some of the mechanics of the game. I also notice that you can also tilt to your right for an angle and then coming back to normal again, like the same mechanic for “Rainbow Six Siege”, but for a tip, try to add in a slide mechanic after sprinting for a bit of time, now that gives away the fun in the game…

  3. I can see the house is the default with the free models of sack walls all around, but except for the metal doors and window, when shooting at them, it gives that “bullet hitting metal” sound effect, that’s a nice touch…

  4. I don’t know why but I don’t think you need to be pressing another keybind to literally choose to interact with object nearby like pressing left alt button and then moving the mouse to your left/right to select breach. Come on bud, it’ll be a lot simpler if you can just straight up use the left mouse keybind (for PC players) to like click so that you can just straight up interact with it.

Hope this helps my friend, and may your game become successful in the future… :slight_smile:

I made everything in the game expect the framework and the models which i want to replace the models

and I see a lot of people use acs because it is flexible it is easy to add stuff to it

Sliding would not match the game, it is supposed to be tactical

here is a skin system i made

There is no bugs in the game i plan on making a quick intereact menu

Alright that’s great! Hope your game will reach peak of success, good luck man…:+1: