Rate this map please

Hey guys, could you rate this map?
My friend built it for me and wanted some feedback.


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Not bad! I would recommend adding some more debris and miscellaneous things to the open areas, because it feels a bit empty. Additionally, the neon wall siding in the 3rd picture is a bit distracting, and I would recommend making the stripes a bit more narrow.

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The map is nice but it feels rather bulky. It’s all made up of bigger parts and it lacks detail. That’s not a bad thing of course, there’s plenty of room to add more stuff.


Any gameplay video or info on how the game works?

Having a map that works mechanically is much more important than having one that looks good.

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This thread belongs in the Cool Creations subcategory of Development Discussion. You can move it by clicking the pen next to the title and editing the category.

The concept certainly isn’t bad. It feels a bit empty and the room available could be used, but it certainly looks like a good starting point for whatever this project may turn out to be. In my opinion, this is just right. Any additional spice can be thrown on to make the map nicer - whatever that may be (miscellaneous like greenery, debris, aesthetics along that line).

Give your friend a pat on the back. That’s pretty cool.

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Not yet :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re trying to keep maps low detailed, but nice. As most Roblox players use potatoes to play.