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-- Check if the script's parent exists
local parent = script.Parent

-- Function to set transparency with comprehensive debug output
local function setTransparency(part)
    print("Entering setTransparency function.")
    print("Received part: " .. (part and part.Name or "nil") .. ", Type: " .. typeof(part))

    -- Ensure the part is valid and has a Transparency property
    if part then
        print("Part is not nil. Proceeding with checks...")
        if part:IsA("BasePart") then
            print("Part is a valid BasePart. Current transparency: " .. part.Transparency)

            -- Log details before changing the transparency
            print("Attempting to change transparency...")
            part.Transparency = 1

            -- Log confirmation of transparency change
            print("Successfully set transparency to 1 for: " .. part.Name)
            print("New transparency of " .. part.Name .. ": " .. part.Transparency)
            -- Warn about the invalid parent type
            warn("Invalid type for parent: " .. typeof(part) .. ". Expected BasePart.")
        warn("Received nil part in setTransparency function!")

    print("Exiting setTransparency function.")

-- Check if the parent exists and is not nil
if parent then
    print("Parent found: " .. parent.Name .. ", Type: " .. typeof(parent))
    print("Parent properties:")
    for key, value in pairs(parent:GetAttributes()) do
        print(" - " .. key .. ": " .. tostring(value))

    -- Call the function to set transparency
    print("Calling setTransparency function with parent.")
    warn("Script parent is nil or does not exist!")

-- Additional debug information about script execution
print("Script execution complete.")
print("Final parent details:")
print(" - Type: " .. typeof(parent))
print(" - Name: " .. (parent and parent.Name or "nil"))

-- Debugging the execution context
local scriptInfo = {
    name = script.Name,
    parentName = parent and parent.Name or "nil",
    parentType = typeof(parent),

print("Script Info: " .. 
      "Name: " .. scriptInfo.name .. ", " .. 
      "Parent Name: " .. scriptInfo.parentName .. ", " .. 
      "Parent Type: " .. scriptInfo.parentType)

-- Debugging script context
print("Script properties:")
for key, value in pairs(script:GetAttributes()) do
    print(" - " .. key .. ": " .. tostring(value))

-- Log the end of the script
print("All debug logging complete. Script finished execution.")

can you rate this code 1/10 and tell me how do i do more debug? because a lot of people say too low amount of debug


Very nice script indeed, I can tell you are a professional.
I would put a few pcalls every there and then in case there’s a debug error that you might need to debug the debugging of.


    print("Attempting to change transparency...")
        print("Successfully entered the pcall function responsible for setting "..part.Name.."'s transparency.")
        part.Transparency = 1
        print("Successfully set transparency to 1 for: " .. part.Name)
        print("New transparency of " .. part.Name .. ": " ..  part.Transparency)
        print("Leaving the pcall reponsible for setting "..part.Name.."'s transparency.")
    print("Successfully left the pcall and resuming the code")
end, function(eror)
    print("Error! There has been an error in setting the transparency of " .. part.Name .. " to 1")
        warn("Failed to set transparency to 1 for: " .. part.Name)
        warn("Transparency of " .. part.Name .. ": " .. part.Transparency)
        print("Error message: ".. eror)
    print("Successfully errored the pcall and resuming the code")

I also recommend you run this function multiple times and make a function to verify the transparency has been set to the correct value to really ensure your transparency has been properly set and not been altered by, for example, a cosmic ray hitting that specific byte in your computer’s memory and flipping the bit and all of a sudden your transparency is not 1 anymore.

You might also benefit from using parallel Lua as operations such as if can be extremely slow to compute, especially for modern day computers that do not possess nearly the level of thinking skills as human brains do.


that is a very long script just to change the part transparency you don’t need all of that…

script.parent.Transparency = 1 -- that is enough

if you are making that to prevent errors you don’t need all of that for just a simple color setter function
the console will be full of all of that for just this small code and that will make it harder to find important stuff in the console

-- this is a simplified version without the unnecessary print statements
local parent = script.Parent

local function setTransparency(part :Part)
	if not part or not part.Parent or not part:IsA("BasePart") then return end
	part.Transparency = 1


I cant rate it because i don’t see a reason for all those unnecessary checks
'because a lot of people say too low amount of debug" that is insane amount if debug and again you don’t need that massive debugging for such things

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you donot need to make a check for cosmic rays you arnot making a data center or a satellite you are just setting the part transparency

you don’t need to use parallel Lua to do that

if statements’ Arnot slow at all (if used correctly)
also print() is alot slower than doing if statment checks

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i actually cant tell if this is satire

i would suggest more print statements and 20% more if checks

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why do you need this roblox does this for you
idk if your trying to just to show off what you know (which is fine) but practically speaking this is unnecessary along with the many checks you do.

another thing try to avoid nested if statements, yes its only two but too many nested if statements makes readability hard

a tad bit much dont you think…?

this blew up so much :sob:

word limittttt