About Me
G’day. My name is Ravin and I’m 14 years old (turning 15 in December). I’m born in Sweden and lived here for my entire life.
I’ve been playing ROBLOX for a few years already and I’ve always wanted to contribute to a game somehow, to make a name of myself on the platform if you get me. Scripting, building, and designing aren’t what I’d prefer to do and I’ve many times seen Swedish children communicate with each other in Swedish and sometimes seen English people tell them “Speak English”. This made me quite sad because they don’t know relatively good English in order to speak with others. So I thought “Why not translate games to Swedish to make them feel welcomed?”.
You may wonder, why consider translating to Swedish?
From what I’ve noticed, people who speak Swedish are increasing in Roblox. I know each game wants to become successful and that includes making their community feel welcomed.
There are translators out there translating for Chinese, German, Polish, etc. etc. What I have noticed though is that nobody is translating to Swedish, and I want to be that person.
This is why it’s fully recommended to consider translating to Swedish.
I’ll right away after I’ve posted this create a new portfolio that’ll translate this one to Swedish to show that I do know Swedish.
As I haven’t translated a game yet, I don’t have anything to show, unfortunately. I haven’t also filled out any certificates as I’m not sure about how you can receive a certificate.
School has started so I’ll be active only from 2-3 PM CET till 10-11 PM CET (The times can vary) each day. I’ll perhaps be able to read your messages but there’s a slight chance I’m not going to be able to help you at that point.
As I have nothing to show that I’m really good upon speaking Swedish, I’m going to be making for a while my services for free. I’ll be updating this section once I’ve received enough to post in the Showcase section.
There’s 2 ways to contact me, either here in PMs at Developer Forum or by adding my Discord account: hm#1720.
To read the swedish translation, please click on this link here: RavinArcanum | Translator from English to Swedish
Thanks for reading!